Optimal Gridding Process for GMI Brightness Temperature Using the Backus−Gilbert Method
Graphical Abstract
Satellite microwave instruments have different field of views (FOVs) in different channels. A direct average technique (“direct method”) is frequently used to generate gridded datasets in the earth science community. A large FOV will measure radiance from outside the area of a designated grid cell. Thus, the direct method will lead to errors in a measurement over a grid cell because some pixels covering areas outside of the cell are involved in the averaging process. The Backus−Gilbert method (BG method) is proposed and demonstrated to minimize those uncertainties. Three sampling resolutions (6.5 km × 6.0 km, 11.5 km × 6.0 km, 13.0 km × 6.0 km) are analyzed based on the scanning characteristics of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Microwave Imager (GMI) 18.9-GHz channel. Brightness temperatures (TBs) at 0.5 km × 0.5 km resolution over eastern China are used to obtain synthetic 18.9-GHz TBs at the three sampling resolutions. The direct and BG methods are both applied to create a 25 km × 25 km gridded dataset and their related uncertainties are analyzed. Results indicate the error variances with the direct method are 3.00, 3.68 and 4.99 K2 at the three sampling resolutions, respectively. By contrast, the BG method leads to a much smaller error variance than the direct method, especially over areas with a large TB gradient. Two GMI orbital measurements are applied to verify the BG method for gridding process is reliable. The BG method could be utilized for general purpose of creating a gridded dataset.