

Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics of Convective Clouds and Heavy Rainfall in Mountainous Areas of Southwest Sichuan

  • 摘要: 本文利用FY-2G静止气象卫星和四川省攀西地区降水资料,分析了2019~2021年6~9月青藏高原东侧川西高原对流影响下,川西南山地区域对流云和强降水的时空分布特征及其具体关系。结果表明:(1)青藏高原东南部川西高原甘孜州(28°~32°N,98°~103°E)是一个对流活跃中心,对流云主要从川西高原沿西北路径南下,进入川西南山地攀西地区后又分别向东、东南和南三个方向移动影响,也是造成川西南山地强降水的关键区。(2)川西南山地西北路径影响下的强降水6~7月明显多于8~9月,7月最多,9月最少。并且,其东南移型的强降水次数较多,南移型次之,东移型最少,也表现出明显的月际变化。(3)川西高原关键区内横断山脉的南北向典型分布条形山脊—沙鲁里山和大雪山构成了西北路径影响下强降水的14~15时(北京时)初生对流的生成区,而其东移、南移和东南移型的对流初生和影响强降水时间,以及强降水峰值等特征有所不同。(4)西北路径影响下小时强降水的时次分布具有明显的单峰、夜雨等特征,其东移、东南移和南移型强降水的突发性、持续性和剧烈性等表现出一定的差异。(5)虽然川西南山地西北路径影响下强降水过程的初生对流和首次影响强降水的对流云都来源于川西高原关键区,但其东移、东南移和南移型的对流位置、发展影响、降水分布和降水中心等具有不同的特征。本研究对于深入认识青藏高原大地形下,复杂山地典型区域中小尺度对流活动规律及其强降水都有重要的意义。


    Abstract: Based on Black Body Temperature (TBB) data of Fengyun 2G (FY-2G) geostationary meteorological satellite and precipitation data of Panxi region of Sichuan Province, this study analyzes the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and their relationship with convective clouds and heavy rainfall in mountainous areas of southwestern Sichuan, under the influence of the western Sichuan Plateau on the southeastern side of the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau, from June to September during 2019–2021. The results demonstrate the following: (1) The Ganzi Prefecture (28°–32°N, 98°–103°E) of the western Sichuan Plateau in the southeastern part of the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau is an active center of convection, and convective clouds mainly move southward following the northwest path from the western Sichuan Plateau. After arriving at the Panxi region in mountainous areas of southwestern Sichuan, the convective clouds continue to move in three directions: Eastward, southeastward, and southward. These pathway areas are also the key formation areas of heavy precipitation in mountainous areas of southwestern Sichuan. (2) Heavy rainfall related to the influence of the northwest path in mountainous areas of southwestern Sichuan is more notable in June–July than in August–September, being highest in July and lowest in September. Moreover, the frequency of heavy precipitation in June–September is highest for the southeastward-moving type of convection, followed by the southward-moving type, with the least for the eastward-moving type, hence exhibiting prominent intermonthly variation. (3) In the key area of the western Sichuan Plateau, because of the typical north–south ridges of the Hengduan Mountains, Shaluli Mountains and Great Snow Mountains form the generation area of the initial convection for heavy precipitation under the northwest path influence at 1400–1500 BJT (Beijing time), while the characteristics of initial convection, influencing duration, and precipitation peak differ between the eastward-, southward-, and southeastward-moving convections. (4) The hourly short-duration heavy precipitation under the northwest path influence exhibits obvious characteristics such as single precipitation peak and night rain, while the eastward-, southeastward-, and southward-moving convections exhibit certain differences in terms of abruptness, duration, and intensity of heavy precipitation. (5) Although both the initial convection and the convective clouds that first affect heavy precipitation along the northwest path in mountainous areas of southwestern Sichuan originate from the key area of the western Sichuan Plateau, the features of convective location, development impact, precipitation distribution, and precipitation center are different, depending on whether the subsequent convection moves eastward, southeastward, or southward. The reserrch is very significant to further comprehend the mesoscale and microscale convective activities and the influence thereof on heavy precipitation in complex mountainous areas in the topography of the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau.


