
基于U-net神经网络的新疆10 m风速预报订正研究

Forecast Calibration of 10-m Wind Speed over Xinjiang Based on a U-net Neural Network

  • 摘要: 本文以新疆地区1~7 d预报时效的10 m高度处风速为研究对象,基于2000~2019年NCEP全球集合预报系统(Global Ensemble Forecasting System,GEFS)新疆地区10 m风再预报资料,构建了基于U-net神经网络的深度学习预报订正模型,并以两种传统方法递减平均、分位数映射作为参考进行订正技巧对比分析。结果表明,原始GEFS风速预报误差呈不对称分布,表现出更多的正偏差特征,且在天山和昆仑山等海拔较高地区误差较大。与两种传统方法相比,U-net模型提高了整个新疆地区的风速预报技巧,有效改善了原始风速预报的正偏差情况,且对天山和昆仑山等原始预报误差较大区域改善效果尤为显著。此外,采用基于均方误差分解的误差分解方法来分析误差来源,结果表明,预报订正前后,序列误差项始终是主要误差来源,且随预报时效显著增长。三种订正方法对风速预报的偏差项、分布误差项和序列误差项都有不同程度的改进,其中U-net模型相较于两种参考预报的优势主要在于其对序列误差项的改进效果。经过U-net模型订正后序列误差项随预报时效增长缓慢,即使在7 d预报时效下,其序列误差项比原始预报减小60%。


    Abstract: In this study, a U-net deep-learning neural network is utilized to calibrate a 10-m wind forecast, with forecast lead times of 1–7 days over Xinjiang based on the Global Ensemble Forecasting System (GEFS) reforecast dataset from 2000 to 2019. The two conventional postprocessing methods, namely the decaying averaging method and quantile mapping, are employed in parallel for comparison. Results show that raw GEFS exhibits an asymmetric error distribution tending toward positive biases in Xinjiang, with most conspicuous forecast biases distributed in high-altitude regions such as the Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains. Compared with two reference calibrations, the U-net model improves the forecast ability of wind speeds over the whole area, especially over areas where raw GEFS shows large biases such as the Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains. In particularly, the U-net model effectively reduces the positive biases. Furthermore, to analyze error sources, forecast errors are decomposed based on the mean squared errors. Results show that the sequence term remains the main error source after forecast calibrations, which obviously increases with increasing lead time. The multiple calibration methods display different capabilities of ameliorating different error terms. The advantage of the U-net model over two reference forecasts primarily lies in its improvement in terms of the sequence term. After U-net calibration, sequence term slowly grows with increasing lead time. Even for a 7-day lead time, the U-net model reduced the sequence error term by approximately 60% compared with raw GEFS forecasts.


