

Analyses of Air Pollution Characteristics and Potential Sources in Shahe City, Xingtai during the Winter

  • 摘要: 为了解邢台沙河市冬季大气污染特征,选取2017年12月至2018年2月沙河市区3个省控站点(司法局、市政府、宣传中心)的逐时监测数据,分析了沙河市主要污染物的时空分布特征和潜在源区。污染物浓度特征分析表明:整个冬季司法局、市政府和宣传中心站点的细颗粒物(PM2.5)平均浓度分别为118.0 μg/m3、121 μg/m3和135 μg/m3。在大气自然活动和人为污染排放的共同作用下,PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NO2和CO均有明显的日变化特征。整个冬季沙河市的ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM10)、ρ(SO2)/ρ(NO2)均值分别为0.57和1.05(ρ为各物质的浓度)。且随着污染加重,ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM10)、ρ(SO2)/ρ(NO2)均明显升高,表明燃煤贡献增加;污染物空间分布特征分析表明:位于3个站点东北处的玻璃企业产生的污染物可能对监测站点造成了一定影响。污染物空间差异分析表明,区域污染范围越大、强度越高,大气污染的空间差异性越小;潜在源分析表明:沙河市PM2.5的强潜在源区分布在其周边区域,随着PM2.5浓度增加,强潜在源区呈缩小趋势。沙河市东南部的本地源对PM2.5浓度有主要贡献,而此处正是玻璃企业的聚集地。


    Abstract: To study the air pollution characteristics in Shahe, Xingtai, Hebei Province in the winter, the air monitoring data collected at three monitoring sites from December 2017 to February 2018 are analyzed. Spatial and temporal characteristics and potential sources of major pollutants in Shahe are analyzed. The study reveals that the average mass concentrations of PM2.5 in the sites of Sifaju, Shizhengfu, and Xuanchuanzhongxin stations are 118.0, 121, and 135 μg/m3, respectively. Under the joint effects of natural and anthropogenic emissions, the major pollutants display an obvious diurnal variation. Over the whole campaign period, mean values of ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM10) and ρ(SO2)/ρ(NO2) are 0.57 and 1.05 (ρ ispollutant concentration), respectively. With the aggravation of air pollution, both ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM10) and ρ(SO2)/ρ(NO2) raise sharply, which demonstrate the increase in coal combustion. Analyses of spatial characteristics of pollutants illustrate that pollutants produced by glass enterprises located to the northeast of the three sites may have an impact on the monitoring sites. Analyses of spatial variation of air pollution reveal that the more severe the pollution, the smaller the spatial difference. For Shahe, local and surrounding cities are strong potential sources of PM2.5.With increases in PM2.5 concentration, the areas of strong PM2.5 source shrink. It is also found that local emission sources in southeastern Shahe, where most of glass factories are located, make a major contribution to high PM2.5 concentration in Shahe.


