Adler, R. F., Coauthors, 2003: The version-2 global precipitation climatology project (GPCP) monthly precipitation analysis (1979-present). Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, 1147- 1167.10.1175/1525-7541(2003)004<1147:TVGPCP>2.0.CO; Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) Version-2 Monthly Precipitation Analysis is described. This globally complete, monthly analysis of surface precipitation at 2.517 latitude 17 2.517 longitude resolution is available from January 1979 to the present. It is a merged analysis that incorporates precipitation estimates from low-orbit satellite microwave data, geosynchronous-orbit satellite infrared data, and surface rain gauge observations. The merging approach utilizes the higher accuracy of the low-orbit microwave observations to calibrate, or adjust, the more frequent geosynchronous infrared observations. The dataset is extended back into the premicrowave era (before mid-1987) by using infrared-only observations calibrated to the microwave-based analysis of the later years. The combined satellite-based product is adjusted by the rain gauge analysis. The dataset archive also contains the individual input fields, a combined satellite estimate, and error estimates for each field. This monthly analysis is the foundation for the GPCP suite of products, including those at finer temporal resolution. The 23-yr GPCP climatology is characterized, along with time and space variations of precipitation.
AghaKouchak A., A. Mehran, H. Norouzi, and A. Behrangi, 2012: Systematic and random error components in satellite precipitation data sets. Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L09406.10.1029/ Top of page Abstract 1.Introduction 2.Data Resources 3.Methodology and Results 4.Conclusions and Final Remarks Acknowledgments References [1] This study contributes to characterization of satellite precipitation error which is fundamental to develop uncertainty models and bias reduction algorithms. Systematic and random error components of several satellite precipitation products are investigated over different seasons, thresholds and temporal accumulations. The analyses show that the spatial distribution of systematic error has similar patterns for all precipitation products. However, the systematic (random) error of daily accumulations is significantly less (more) than that of high resolution 3-hr data. One should note that the systematic biases of satellite precipitation are distinctively different in the summer and winter. The systematic (random) error is remarkably higher (lower) during the winter. Furthermore, the systematic error seems to be proportional to the rain rate magnitude. The findings of this study highlight that bias removal methods should take into account the spatiotemporal characteristics of error as well as the proportionality of error to the magnitude of rain rate.
Arpe K., 1991: The hydrological cycle in the ECMWF short range forecasts. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 16, 33- 59.10.1016/0377-0265(91) Precipitation and latent heat flux forecasts by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model have been compared with other estimates of these quantities. In the Northern Hemisphere extra-tropics the latent heat flux over oceans and the precipitation over continents in the short range forecasts are probably good estimates of the truth. The day-to-day as well as the interannual variability in these latitudes seem to be realistic.In the Southern Hemisphere extra-tropics there is a strong spin-up in the precipitation forecasts probably with too low precipitation amounts in the short range forecasts. It is speculated that inconsistent use of satellite data leads to a weakening of large-scale rising motions between 40 and 60S. Also the latent heat flux in these latitudes is probably too low due to a too moist 1000 mb humidity analysis.Over subtropical deserts the precipitation amounts in the forecasts agree with climatological estimates. Contrary to climatological estimates this precipitation is not evaporated but runs off.In the tropics, especially over mountainous areas, the short range forecasts (average for the first 24 h) with the present model tend to overpredict precipitation amounts, but still with reasonable distributions. Averages between days 1 and 2 probably give a good estimate of the truth except over the eastern Pacific where there is an overestimation, also in the medium range forecasts. Strong underestimation of latent heat fluxes over tropical oceans in the short range forecasts have been considerably reduced with a recent model change. There are still areas, e.g. the Southern Hemisphere subtropical Pacific, with too low evaporation due to too moist 1000 mb analyses probably in connection with an inconsistent use of satellite observations.The interannual variability of monthly mean evaporation and precipitation in the short range forecasts reflects partly atmospheric anomalies, but especially in the tropics, and also larger amplitude variations due to changes in the analysis/forecasting scheme.
Behrangi A., K. Hsu, B. Imam, S. Sorooshian, G. J. Huffman, and R. J. Kuligowski, 2009: PERSIANN-MSA: A precipitation estimation method from satellite-based multispectral analysis. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 10, 1414- 1429.10.1175/ and infrared data obtained from instruments onboard geostationary satellites have been extensively used for monitoring clouds and their evolution. The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) that will be launched onboard the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R (GOES-R) series in the near future will offer a larger range of spectral bands; hence, it will provide observations of cloud and rain systems at even finer spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions than are possible with the current GOES. In this paper, a new method called Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed information using Artificial Neural Networks锟組ultispectral Analysis (PERSIANN-MSA) is proposed to evaluate the effect of using multispectral imagery on precipitation estimation. The proposed approach uses a self-organizing feature map (SOFM) to classify multidimensional input information, extracted from each grid box and corresponding textural features of multispectral bands. In addition, princip
Bolvin D. T., R. F. Adler, G. J. Huffman, E. J. Nelkin, and J. P. Poutiainen, 2009: Comparison of GPCP monthly and daily precipitation estimates with high-latitude gauge observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 48, 1843- 1857.10.1175/ Available
Cressman G. P., 1959: An operational objective analysis system. Mon. Wea. Rev., 87, 367-
Crow W. T., 2007: A novel method for quantifying value in spaceborne soil moisture retrievals. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8, 56- 67.10.1175/ Available
Ebert E. E., J. E. Janowiak, and C. Kidd, 2007: Comparison of near-real-time precipitation estimates from satellite observations and numerical models. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88, 47- 64.10.1175/
Gand in, L. S., 1965: Objective Analysis of Meteorological Fields. Israel Program for Scientific Translations,242
Hayes S. P., L. J. Mangum, J. Picaut, A. Sumi, and K. Takeuchi, 1991: TOGA-TAO: A moored array for real-time measurements in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 72, 339- 347.10.1175/1520-0477(1991)072<0339:TTAMAF>2.0.CO; importance of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon in year-to-year fluctuations of the global climate has led to efforts to improve the real-time ocean observing system in the tropical Pacific. One element of this improved system is the TOGA-TAO (Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean) Array of wind and upper ocean thermistor chain moorings. This array, the result of an international effort, has already provided the rudiments of a basin-wide, real-time observing system and plans call for a major enhancement during the second half of the TOGA decade. The development of the TAO array is discussed, recent results from the pilot measurements are described, and plans for the expanded array are presented.
Hollingsworth A., P. Lönnberg, 1986: The statistical structure of short-range forecast errors as determined from radiosonde data. Part I: The wind field. Tellus A, 38A, 111- 136.10.1111/ Endovascular coil occlusion of cerebral aneurysms is increasing as a viable treatment for both ruptured and unruptured aneurysms. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and performance of a newer generation of complexshaped, geometrically conformable, platinum coils, the TRUFILL DCS Detachable Coil System. From September 2000 to December 2002, 112 patients with 116 aneurysms, either ruptured or unruptured, deemed by an attending neuro-interventionalist to be acceptable candidates for endovascular coil embolization, were recruited into an open-label, prospective, multi-center, international registry study from 23 centers in Europe. Information on relevant clinical characteristics, device and procedure performance, and angiographic occlusion data were collected for all patients. An Independent Medical Monitor collected and reviewed information on all device- and procedure-related complications resulting in serious adverse events. Angiographic evaluation immediately following treatment of 116 aneurysms showed a mean +/- SD percent of aneurysm occlusion of 93.5% +/- 14.2, with 90.2% of aneurysms occluded at least 90%. The desired occlusion was achieved in 94.9% of aneurysms. Success was defined as the ability to obtain >/= 90% aneurysm occlusion. The proportion achieving greater than 90% occlusion was statistically equivalent (at least as good) to the 80% registry standard. Complication rates were 6.9% devicerelated and 2.6% procedure-related. Only two complications were categorized as serious adverse events. The TRUFILL DCS coil system provided good to excellent complete occlusion of the aneurysm at initial treatment, as compared to other published studies, and proved effective and safe to use in treating both ruptured and unruptured cerebral aneurysms.
Huffman G. J., C. Klepp, 2011: Fifth workshop of the international precipitation working group. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,92, ES54-ES57.10.1175/ abstract available.
Huffman G. J., R. F. Adler, M. M. Morrissey, D. T. Bolvin, S. Curtis, R. Joyce, B. McGavock, and J. Susskind, 2001: Global precipitation at one-degree daily resolution from multisatellite observations. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2, 36- 50.10.1175/1525-7541(2001)002<0036:GPAODD>2.0.CO; Available
Huffman G.J., Coauthors, 2007: The TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA): Quasi-global, multiyear, combined-sensor precipitation estimates at fine scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8, 38-
Huffman G. J., D. T. Bolvin, D. Braithwaite, K. Hsu, R. Joyce, P. Xie, 2014: GPM Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) Version 4.4. PPS, NASA/GSFC, 30 pp. [Available online from ]
Joyce R. J., J. E. Janowiak, P. A. Arkin, and P. P. Xie, 2004: CMORPH: A method that produces global precipitation estimates from passive microwave and infrared data at high spatial and temporal resolution. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5, 487-
Kalnay E., Coauthors, 1996: The NCEP/NCAR 40-year reanalysis project. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 437-;2&amp;link_type=DOI
McPhee J., S. A. Margulis, 2005: Validation and error characterization of the GPCP-1DD precipitation product over the contiguous United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6, 441- 459.10.1175/ Available
Medvigy D., C. Beaulieu, 2012: Trends in daily solar radiation and precipitation coefficients of variation since 1984. J.Climate, 25, 1330-
Menne M. J., I. Durre, R. S. Vose, B. E. Gleason, and T. G. Houston, 2012: An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network-daily database. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 29, 897- 910.10.1175/ database is described that has been designed to fulfill the need for daily climate data over global land areas. The dataset, known as Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)-Daily, was developed for a wide variety of potential applications, including climate analysis and monitoring studies that require data at a daily time resolution (e.g., assessments of the frequency of heavy rainfall, heat wave duration, etc.). The dataset contains records from over 80 000 stations in 180 countries and territories, and its processing system produces the official archive for U.S. daily data. Variables commonly include maximum and minimum temperature, total daily precipitation, snowfall, and snow depth; however, about two-thirds of the stations report precipitation only. Quality assurance checks are routinely applied to the full dataset, but the data are not homogenized to account for artifacts associated with the various eras in reporting practice at any particular station (i.e., for changes in systematic bias). Daily updates are provided for many of the station records in GHCN-Daily. The dataset is also regularly reconstructed, usually once per week, from its 20+ data source components, ensuring that the dataset is broadly synchronized with its growing list of constituent sources. The daily updates and weekly reprocessed versions of GHCN-Daily are assigned a unique version number, and the most recent dataset version is provided on the GHCN-Daily website for free public access. Each version of the dataset is also archived at the NOAA/National Climatic Data Center in perpetuity for future retrieval.
Nie S. P., Y. Luo, and J. Zhu, 2008: Trends and scales of observed soil moisture variations in China. Adv. Atmos. Sci.,25, 43-58, doi: 10.1007/s00376-008-0043-3.10.1007/ new soil moisture dataset from direct gravimetric measurements within the top 50-cm soil layers at 178 soil moisture stations in China covering the period 1981 1998 are used to study the long-term and seasonal trends of soil moisture variations, as well as estimate the temporal and spatial scales of soil moisture for different soil layers. Additional datasets of precipitation and temperature difference between land surface and air (TDSA) are analyzed to gain further insight into the changes of soil moisture. There are increasing trends for the top 10 cm, but decreasing trends for the top 50 cm of soil layers in most regions. Trends in precipitation appear to dominantly influence trends in soil moisture in both cases. Seasonal variation of soil moisture is mainly controlled by precipitation and evaporation, and in some regions can be affected by snow cover in winter. Timescales of soil moisture variation are roughly 1-3 months and increase with soil depth.Further influences of TDSA and precipitation on soil moisture in surface layers, rather than in deeper layers,cause this phenomenon. Seasonal variations of temporal scales for soil moisture are region-dependent and consistent in both layer depths. Spatial scales of soil moisture range from 200-600 km, with topography also having an affect on these. Spatial scales of soil moisture in plains are larger than in mountainous areas. In the former, the spatial scale of soil moisture follows the spatial patterns of precipitation and evaporation,whereas in the latter, the spatial scale is controlled by topography.
Nie S. P., Y. Luo, W. P. Li, T. W. Wu, X. L. Shi, Z. Z. Wang, 2012: Quality control and analysis of global gauge-based daily precipitation dataset from 1980 to 2009. Advances in Climate Change Research, 3, 45-
Nie S. P., Y. Luo, T. W. Wu, X. L. Shi, and Z. Z. Wang, 2015: A merging scheme for constructing daily precipitation analyses based on objective bias-correction and error estimation techniques. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,120, doi: 10.1002/2015 JD023347.10.1002/ A new merging scheme (referred to as HL-OI) was developed to combine daily precipitation data from high-resolution gauge (HRG) observations, The Climate Prediction Center morphing technique (CMORPH) satellite estimates, and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) numerical simulations over China to perform reliable high-resolution daily precipitation analyses. The scheme is designed using a three-step strategy of removing systemic biases, reducing random errors, quantitatively estimating error variances, and combining useful information from each data source. First, a cumulative distribution function matching procedure is adopted to reduce biases and provide unbiased background fields for the following merging processes. Second, the developed error estimation algorithm is implemented to quantify both the background and observation errors from the background departures. Third, the bias-corrected NCEP and CMORPH data are combined with the HRG data using the optimal interpolation (OI) objective analysis technique. The magnitudes and spatial structures of both observation errors and background errors can be estimated successfully. Results of cross-validation experiments show that the HL-OI scheme effectively removes most of systemic biases and random errors in the background fields compared to the independent gauge observations and is robust even with imperfect background fields. The HL-OI merging scheme significantly improves the temporal variations, agreements between the spatial patterns, frequency, and locations of daily precipitation occurrences. When information from gauge observations, satellite estimates, and model simulations are combined simultaneously, the merged multisource analyses perform better than dual-source analyses. These results indicate that each independent information source of daily precipitation contributes to improving the quality of the final merged analyses under the framework of HL-OI scheme.
Pan Y., Y. Shen, J. J. Yu, and P. Zhao, 2012: Analysis of the combined gauge-satellite hourly precipitation over China based on the OI technique. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 70, 1381- 1389. (in Chinese) order to develop a high-quality Chinese precipitation product at the highly spatial-temporal resolution, the optimum interpolation (OI) technique was adopted to combine the CMORPH with the Chinese Precipitation Analyses (CPA),which was based on the hourly gauged rainfall from about 30,000 automatic weather stations (AWS), at 0.1lat/lon resolution. The CMORPH was set to the first guess, while the CPA was used as observations to modify the first guess. The error statistics of the first guess and observations were defined based on the data from June to August of 2009 and the error structures were employed to compute the weights. The examination of the combined precipitation (COMB) at 00:00 UTC 2 July 2009 showed that the CMORPH at the target grid was able to be improved by the CPA if the gauge within a searching radius was available. Otherwise, the CMORPH was remained where there was no gauge within the searching radius. The independent validation result of the COMB from June to August of 2009 was that, the Bias/RMSE/RE of the COMB were -0.004 mm/h, 1.271 mm/h and 15.964%, respectively, with the averaged spacial correlation coefficient of 0.778. It was indicated that the COMB had a better quality than the CMORPH, as well as the FY-2C merged precipitation product.
Ploshay J. J., N.-C. Lau, 2010: Simulation of the diurnal cycle in tropical rainfall and circulation during boreal summer with a high-resolution GCM. Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 3434- 3453.10.1175/ simulation of the diurnal cycle (DC) of precipitation and surface wind pattern by a general circulation model (GCM) with a uniform horizontal resolution of 50 km over the global domain is evaluated. The model output is compared with observational counterparts based on datasets provided by the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission and reanalysis products of the European Centre for Medium-Range...
Rudolf B., F. Rubel, 2005: Global precipitation. Observed Global Climate, M. Hantel, Ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
Schneider U., 1993: The GPCC quality-control system for gauge-measured precipitation data. Proc. Analysis Methods for Precipitation on a Global Scale: Report of a GEWEX Workshop, WCRP-81, WMO/TD-588, Koblenz, Germany, GPCC, A5- A9.
Silva V. B. S., V. E. Kousky, and R. W. Higgins, 2011: Daily precipitation statistics for South America: An intercomparison between NCEP reanalyses and observations. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12, 101- 117.10.1175/ Available
Zhang Q., F. H. Guo, and S. Xu, 2004: Quality control and analysis of data set characteristic for global surface synoptic reports. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 15, 121- 127. (in Chinese) to the domestic and international advanced method and technology of quality control and considering the actual condition of surface synoptic reports, the method of the global surface synoptic reports and the principle of the decision-making arithmetic about quality control code were presented. The main technologic characteristic of the data set was also analyzed by testing 270 data files in global surface synoptic reports from 1980 to 2002.