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Influence of Soil Moisture in Eastern China on the East Asian Summer Monsoon

doi: 10.1007/s00376-015-5024-8

  • The sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon to soil moisture anomalies over China was investigated based on ensembles of seasonal simulations (March-September) using the NCEP GCM coupled with the Simplified Simple Biosphere Model (NCEP GCM/SSiB). After a control experiment with free-running soil moisture, two ensembles were performed in which the soil moisture over the vast region from the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River valley to North China (YRNC) was double and half that in the control, with the maximum less than the field capacity. The simulation results showed significant sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon to wet soil in YRNC. The wetter soil was associated with increased surface latent heat flux and reduced surface sensible heat flux. In turn, these changes resulted in a wetter and colder local land surface and reduced land-sea temperature gradients, corresponding to a weakened East Asian monsoon circulation in an anomalous anticyclone over southeastern China, and a strengthened East Asian trough southward over Northeast China. Consequently, less precipitation appeared over southeastern China and North China and more rainfall over Northeast China. The weakened monsoon circulation and strengthened East Asian trough was accompanied by the convergence of abnormal northerly and southerly flow over the Yangtze River valley, resulting in more rainfall in this region. In the drier soil experiments, less precipitation appeared over YRNC. The East Asian monsoon circulation seems to show little sensitivity to dry soil anomalies in NCEP GCM/SSiB.
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  • Alfieri L., P. Claps, P. D’dorico F. Laio, and T. M. Over, 2008: An analysis of soil moisture feedback on convective and stratiform precipitation. Journal of Hydrometeorology,9, 280-291, doi: 10.1175/2007JHM863.1.10.1175/ Land tmosphere interactions in midlatitude continental regions are particularly active during the warm season. It is still unclear whether and under what circumstances these interactions may involve positive or negative feedbacks between soil moisture conditions and rainfall occurrence. Assessing such feedbacks is crucially important to a better understanding of the role of land surface conditions on the regional dynamics of the water cycle. This work investigates the relationship between soil moisture and subsequent precipitation at the daily time scale in a midlatitude continental region. Sounding data from 16 locations across the midwestern United States are used to calculate two indices of atmospheric instability鈥攏amely, the convective available potential energy (CAPE) and the convective inhibition (CIN). These indices are used to classify rainfall as convective or stratiform. Correlation analyses and uniformity tests are then carried out separately for these two rainfall categories, to assess the dependence of rainfall occurrence on antecedent soil moisture conditions, using simulated soil moisture values. The analysis suggests that most of the positive correlation observed between soil moisture and subsequent precipitation is due to the autocorrelation of long stratiform events. The authors found both areas with positive and areas with negative feedback on convective precipitation. This behavior is likely due to the contrasting effects of soil moisture conditions on convective phenomena through changes in surface temperature and the supply of water vapor to the overlying air column. No significant correlation is found between daily rainfall intensity and antecedent simulated soil moisture conditions either for convective or stratiform rainfall.
    Amenu G. G., P. Kumar, X. Z. Liang, 2005: Interannual variability of deep-layer hydrologic memory and mechanisms of its influence on surface energy fluxes. J.Climate, 18, 5024- 5045.10.1175/ characteristics of deep-layer terrestrial memory are explored using observed soil moisture data and simulated soil temperature from the Illinois Climate Network stations. Both soil moisture and soil temperature are characterized by exponential decay in amplitude, linear lag in phase, and increasing persistence with depth. Using spectral analysis, four dominant low-frequency modes are identified in the soil moisture variability. These signals have periods of about 12, 17, 34, and 60 months, which correspond to annual cycle, (4/3) ENSO, quasi-biennial (QB) ENSO, and quasi-quadrennial (QQ) ENSO signals, respectively. For deep layers, the interannual modes are dominant over the annual cycle, and vice versa for the near-surface layer. There are inherently two mechanisms by which deep-layer moisture impacts the surface fluxes. First, its temporal variability sets the lower boundary condition for the transfer of moisture and heat fluxes from the surface. Second, this temporal variability influences the uptake of moisture by plant roots, resulting in the variability of the transpiration and, therefore, the entire energy balance. Initial results suggest that this second mechanism may be more predominant.
    Collini E. A., E. H. Berbery, V. R. Barros, and M. E. Pyle, 2008: How does soil moisture influence the early stages of the South American monsoon? J. Climate,15, 195-213, doi: 10.1175/ 2007JCLI1846.1.10.1175/ This article discusses the feedbacks between soil moisture and precipitation during the early stages of the South American monsoon. The system achieves maximum precipitation over the southern Amazon basin and the Brazilian highlands during the austral summer. Monsoon changes are associated with the large-scale dynamics, but during its early stages, when the surface is not sufficiently wet, soil moisture anomalies may also modulate the development of precipitation. To investigate this, sensitivity experiments to initial soil moisture conditions were performed using month-long simulations with the regional mesoscale Eta model. Examination of the control simulations shows that they reproduce all major features and magnitudes of the South American circulation and precipitation patterns, particularly those of the monsoon. The surface sensible and latent heat fluxes, as well as precipitation, have a diurnal cycle whose phase is consistent with previous observational studies. The convective inhibition is smallest at the time of the precipitation maximum, but the convective available potential energy exhibits an unrealistic morning maximum that may result from an early boundary layer mixing. The sensitivity experiments show that precipitation is more responsive to reductions of soil moisture than to increases, suggesting that although the soil is not too wet, it is sufficiently humid to easily reach levels where soil moisture anomalies stop being effective in altering the evapotranspiration and other surface and boundary layer variables. Two mechanisms by which soil moisture has a positive feedback with precipitation are discussed. First, the reduction of initial soil moisture leads to a smaller latent heat flux and a larger sensible heat flux, and both contribute to a larger Bowen ratio.' The smaller evapotranspiration and increased sensible heat flux lead to a drier and warmer boundary layer, which in turn reduces the atmospheric instability. Second, the deeper (and drier) boundary layer is related to a stronger and higher South American low-level jet (SALIJ). However, because of the lesser moisture content, the SALLJ carries less moisture to the monsoon region, as evidenced by the reduced moisture fluxes and their convergence. The two mechanisms - reduced convective instability and reduced moisture flux convergence - act concurrently to diminish the core monsoon precipitation.
    Dickinson R. E., A. Henderson-Sellers, 1988: Modelling tropical deforestation: A study of GCM land-surface parametrizations. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 114, 439- 462.10.1256/ Inclusion of a land-surface scheme with a vegetation canopy into a version of the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM) with a diurnal as well as a seasonal cycle permits an exploratory study of the possible effects of tropical deforestation. In a 13-month integration that assumes that all of the Amazon tropical forest in South American is replaced by impoverished grassland, surface hydrological and temperature effects dominate the response. Reduced mixing and less interception and evaporation from the canopy cause runoff to increase and surface temperatures to rise by 3-5 K. The period of driest soil is increased in the model from one month to several, but the possibility that this change is random cannot be excluded. Increased temperatures and drier soil could have a detrimental impact on survival of the remaining forest and on attempts at cultivation in deforested areas. -from Authors
    Dirmeyer P. A., J. Shukla, 1993: Observational and modeling studies of the influence of soil moisture anomalies on the atmospheric circulation. Predictions of Interannual Climate Variations, J. Shukla, Ed., NATO Series I, Vol. 6, Springer-Verlag, 1- 23.
    Dirmeyer P. A., 2011: The terrestrial segment of soil moisture-climate coupling. Geophys. Res. Letts., 38,L16702, doi: 10.1029/2011GL048268.
    Douville H., 2002: Influence of soil moisture on the Asian and African monsoons. Part II: Interannual variability. J.Climate, 15, 701- 720.10.1175/1520-0442(2002)0152.0.CO; The relevance of soil moisture (SM) for simulating the interannual climate variability has not been much investigated until recently. Much more attention has been paid on SST anomalies, especially in the Tropics where the El Ni帽o鈥揝outhern Oscillation represents the main mode of variability. In the present study, ensembles of atmospheric integrations based on the Action de Recherche Petit Echelle Grande Echelle (ARPEGE) climate model have been performed for two summer seasons: 1987 and 1988, respectively. The aim is to compare the relative impacts of using realistic boundary conditions of SST and SM on the simulated variability of the Asian and African monsoons. Besides control runs with interactive SM, sensitivity tests have been done in which SM is relaxed toward a state-of-the-art SM climatology, either globally or regionally over the monsoon domain. The simulations indicate that the variations of the Asian monsoon between 1987 and 1988 are mainly driven by SST anomalies. This result might be explained by the strong teleconnection with the ENSO and by a weak SM鈥損recipitation feedback over south Asia (Part I of the study). The influence of SM is more obvious over Africa. The model needs both realistic SST and SM boundary conditions to simulate the observed variability of the Sahelian monsoon rainfall. The positive impact of the SM relaxation is not only due to a local mechanism whereby larger surface evaporation leads to larger precipitation. The best results are obtained when the relaxation is applied globally, suggesting that remote SM impacts also contribute to the improved simulation of the precipitation variability. A relationship between the Sahelian rainfall anomalies and the meridional wind anomalies over North Africa points out the possible influence of the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes. The comparison of the low- and midtropospheric anomalies in the various pairs of experiments indicates that SM anomalies can trigger stationary waves over Europe, and thereby promote the intrusion of dry air from the midlatitudes into the Tropics. The study therefore emphasizes the relevance of SM for seasonal climate predictions, at least in summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and shows a dynamical interaction between the Tropics and extratropics.
    Douville H., F. Chauvin, and H. Broqua, 2001: Influence of soil moisture on the Asian and African monsoons. Part I: Mean monsoon and daily precipitation. J.Climate, 14, 2381- 2403.10.1175/1520-0442(2001)0142.0.CO; Soil moisture responds to precipitation variability but also affects precipitation through evaporation. This two-way interaction has often been referred to as a positive feedback, since the water added to the land surface during a precipitation event leads to increased evaporation, and this in turn can lead to further rainfall. Various numerical experiments have suggested that this feedback has a major influence on tropical climate variability from the synoptic to the interannual timescale. In the present study, ensembles of seasonal simulations (March eptember) have been performed in order to investigate the sensitivity of the Asian and African monsoon rainfall to regional soil moisture anomalies. After a control experiment with free-running soil moisture, other ensembles have been performed in which the soil water content is strongly constrained over a limited area, either south Asia or Sudan ahel. Besides idealized simulations in which soil moisture is limited by the value at the wilting point or at the field capacity, more realistic experiments are relaxed toward the Global Soil Wetness Project (GSWP) soil moisture climatology. The results show a different sensitivity of the Asian and African monsoons to the land surface hydrology. Whereas African rainfall increases with increasing soil moisture, such a clear and homogeneous response is not found over the Indian subcontinent. Precipitation does increase over northern India as a consequence of wetter surface conditions, but the increased evaporation is counterbalanced by a reduced moisture convergence when averaging the results over the whole Indian peninsula. This contrasted behavior is partly related to the more dynamical and chaotic nature of the Asian monsoon, for which moisture convergence is about 2 times that found over Sudan鈥揝ahel so that water recycling has a weaker influence on seasonal rainfall. It is also due to a different response of the frequency distribution of daily precipitation, and particularly to an increased number of strong convective events with decreasing soil moisture over India. Part II of the study will investigate how soil moisture also affects the interannual variability of the Asian and African monsoons.
    Hansen M. C., R. S. DeFries, J. R. G. Townshend, and R. Sohlberg, 2000: Global land cover classification at 1 km spatial resolution using a classification tree approach. Int. J. Remote Sens., 21, 1331- 1364.10.1080/ This paper on reports the production of a 1 km spatial resolution land cover classification using data for 1992-1993 from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). This map will be included as an at-launch product of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to serve as an input for several algorithms requiring knowledge of land cover type. The methodology was derived from a similar effort to create a product at 8 km spatial resolution, where high resolution data sets were interpreted in order to derive a coarse-resolution training data set. A set of 37 294 x 1 km pixels was used within a hierarchical tree structure to classify the AVHRR data into 12 classes. The approach taken involved a hierarchy of pair-wise class trees where a logic based on vegetation form was applied until all classes were depicted. Multitemporal AVHRR metrics were used to predict class memberships. Minimum annual red reflectance, peak annual Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and minimum channel three brightness temperature were among the most used metrics. Depictions of forests and woodlands, and areas of mechanized agriculture are in general agreement with other sources of information, while classes such as low biomass agriculture and high-latitude broadleaf forest are not. Comparisons of the final product with regional digital land cover maps derived from high-resolution remotely sensed data reveal general agreement, except for apparently poor depictions of temperate pastures within areas of agriculture. Distinguishing between forest and non-forest was achieved with agreements ranging from 81 to 92% for these regional subsets. The agreements for all classes varied from an average of 65% when viewing all pixels to an average of 82% when viewing only those 1 km pixels consisting of greater than 90% one class within the high-resolution data sets.
    Hirschi, M., Coauthors, 2011: Observational evidence for soil-moisture impact on hot extremes in southeastern Europe. Nature Geoscience,4, 17-21, doi: 10.1038/ngeo1032.10.1038/ Climate change is expected to affect not only the means of climatic variables, but also their variabilities(1,2) and extremes such as heat waves(2-6). In particular, modelling studies have postulated a possible impact of soil-moisture deficit and drought on hot extremes(7-11). Such effects could be responsible for impending changes in the occurrence of heat waves in Europe(7). Here we analyse observational indices based on measurements at 275 meteorological stations in central and southeastern Europe, and on publicly available gridded observations(12). We find a relationship between soil-moisture deficit, as expressed by the standardized precipitation index(13), and summer hot extremes in southeastern Europe. This relationship is stronger for the high end of the distribution of temperature extremes. We compare our results with simulations of current climate models and find that the models correctly represent the soil-moisture impacts on temperature extremes in southeastern Europe, but overestimate them in central Europe. Given the memory associated with soil moisture storage, our findings may help with climate-change-adaptation measures, such as early-warning and prediction tools for extreme heat waves
    Kalnay E., M. Kanamitsu, and W. E. Baker, 1990: Global numerical weather prediction at the National Meteorological Center. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 71, 1410- 1428.10.1175/1520-0477(1990)071<1410:GNWPAT>2.0.CO; In this paper we describe the global numerical weather prediction system of the National Meteorological Center, and review recent improvements, the evolution in skill, and current research projects and plans.
    Kanae S., Y. Hirabayashi, T. Yamada, and T. Oki, 2006: Influence of "realistic" land surface wetness on predictability of seasonal precipitation in Boreal summer. J.Climate, 19, 1450- 1460.10.1175/''_Land_Surface_Wetness_on_Predictability_of_Seasonal_Precipitation_in_Boreal_SummerOutputs from two ensembles of atmospheric model simulations for 195107070598 define the influence of 070705realistic070705 land surface wetness on seasonal precipitation predictability in boreal summer. The ensembles consist of one forced with observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and the other forced with realistic land surface wetness as well as SSTs. Predictability was determined from correlations between the time series of simulated and observed precipitation. The ratio of forced variance to total variance determined potential predictability. Predictability occurred over some land areas adjacent to tropical oceans without land wetness forcing. On the other hand, because of the chaotic nature of the atmosphere, considerable parts of the land areas of the globe did not even show potential predictability with both land wetness and SST forcings. The use of land wetness forcing enhanced predictability over semiarid regions. Such semiarid regions are generally characterized by a negative correlation between fluxes of latent heat and sensible heat from the land surface, and are 070705water-regulating070705 areas where soil moisture plays a governing role in land070705atmosphere interactions. Actual seasonal prediction may be possible in these regions if slowly varying surface conditions can be estimated in advance. In contrast, some land regions (e.g., south of the Sahel, the Amazon, and Indochina) showed little predictability despite high potential predictability. These regions are mostly characterized by a positive correlation between the surface fluxes, and are 070705radiation-regulating070705 areas where the atmosphere plays a leading role. Improvements in predictability for these regions may require further improvements in model physics.
    Kanamitsu, M., Coauthors, 1991: Recent changes implemented into the global forecast system at NMC. Wea.Forecasting, 6, 425- 435.10.1175/1520-0434(1991)0062.0.CO; A number of improvements were implemented on 6 March 1991 into the National Meteorological Center's global model, which is used in the global data assimilation system (GDAS), the aviation (AVN) forecast, and the medium-range forecast (MRF): The horizontal resolution of the forecast model was increased from triangular truncation T80 to T126, which corresponds to an equivalent increase in grid resolution from 160 km to 105 km. The use of enhanced orography has been discontinued and replaced by mean orography. A new marine-stratus parameterization was introduced. A new mass-conservation constraint was implemented. The horizontal diffusion in the medium scales was reduced by adopting the Leith formulation. A new, more accurate sea-surface temperature analysis is now used. In this note, we discuss each of the changes and briefly review the new model performance.
    Kim J.-E., S.-Y. Hong, 2007: Impact of soil moisture anomalies on summer rainfall over East Asia: A regional climate model study. J.Climate, 20, 5732- 5743.10.1175/ Numerous modeling studies have shown that soil moisture anomalies in later spring have a significant effect on the summer rainfall anomalies in North America. On the other hand, the role of soil moisture in forming monsoonal precipitation in East Asia has not been identified. This study attempts to clarify the importance of soil moisture on the summer rainfall in late spring in East Asia. The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Regional Spectral Model (RSM) is utilized for 3-month (June–August) simulations in 1998 (above-normal precipitation year) and 1997 (below-normal precipitation year). Initial and boundary conditions are derived from the NCEP–Department of Energy (DOE) reanalysis. The control run uses the initial soil moisture from the reanalysis, whereas it is set as a saturation and wilting point for “wet” and “dry” experiments, respectively. The impact of soil moisture anomalies on the simulated summer rainfall in East Asia is not significant. The change in precipitation between the wet and dry experiments is about 10%. A conflict between the local feedback of soil moisture and a change in large-scale circulations associated with the summertime monsoonal circulation in East Asia can be attributed as a reason for this anomaly. It is found that enhanced (suppressed) evaporation from the soil to the atmosphere in wet (dry) initial soil moisture reduces (increases) the land–sea contrast between East Asia and the Pacific Ocean, leading to a weakened sensitivity of the monsoonal circulations to the initial soil moisture. It can be concluded that the impact of the initial soil moisture is significant on the dynamic circulation in East Asia.
    Koster, R. D., Coauthors, 2004: Regions of strong coupling between soil moisture and precipitation. Science, 305, 1138- 1140.10.1126/ estimates of land-atmosphere interaction (the impact of soil moisture on precipitation) have been limited by a lack of observational data and by the model dependence of computational estimates. To counter the second limitation, a dozen climate-modeling groups have recently performed the same highly controlled numerical experiment as part of a coordinated comparison project. This allows a multimodel estimation of the regions on Earth where precipitation is affected by soil moisture anomalies during Northern Hemisphere summer. Potential benefits of this estimation may include improved seasonal rainfall forecasts.
    Li Z. X., T. J. Zhou, H. S. Chen, D. H. Ni, and R. H. Zhang, 2015: Modelling the effect of soil moisture variability on summer precipitation variability over East Asia. Int. J. Climatol., 35, 879- 887.10.1002/ The potential role of surface soil moisture (SSM) in improving the simulation of interannual East Asian summer precipitation is investigated using a coupled land-atmosphere climate model, the Community Atmosphere Model version 3 (CAM3). Forced by specified observational sea surface temperature (SST), two ensemble simulations for 22 boreal-summer seasons (1979&ndash;2000) are conducted, one with interannually varying SSM (SSM inter ) forcing and another with climatological SSM (SSM clim ) forcing. Results show that, relative to the SSM clim run, interannual variability of East Asian summer precipitation is better simulated in the SSM inter run over the mid- and high-latitudes of East Asia, especially in northwest China, where the correlation coefficient between precipitation simulated and observed from the Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) is increased from 0.12 to 0.56 during 1979&ndash;2000. Meanwhile, positive relationships between anomalies of local soil evaporation and summer precipitation in northwest China can be better reproduced in the SSM inter run than in the SSM clim run. Possible mechanisms for the improved simulations of the interannual summer precipitation variability in northwest China are analysed; the improvement is resulted from the reasonable reproduction of anomalous atmospheric circulation in Siberia and Iranian plateau.
    Liu, L, R. H. Zhang, Z. Y. Zuo, 2014: Intercomparison of spring soil moisture among multiple reanalysis data sets over eastern China. J. Geophys. Res.,119, doi: 10.1002/ 2013JD020940.10.1002/ soil moisture in different reanalysis data sets is intercompared Spatial and temporal characteristics of soil moisture of China are revealed The reasons causing the differences of reanalysis soil moisture are investigated Spring soil moisture in different reanalysis data sets is intercompared Spatial and temporal characteristics of soil moisture of China are revealed The reasons causing the differences of reanalysis soil moisture are investigated
    Ma Z. G., H. L. Wei, and C. B. Fu, 2000: Relationship between regional soil moisture variation and climatic variability over East China. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 58, 278- 287. (in Chinese) on the data of soil moisture, precipitation and temperature every ten-day over the east of China from 1981 to 1991, their trend, interannual variability and relationship among them were analyzed. The results indicate the notable trend of soll moisture, pre-cipitation and air temperature, positive correlation between soil moisture in every layer and precipitation, and negative correlation soil moisture and air temperature can be found, the correlation coefficient reaches the testing of degree of confidence of 0. 01. Al-so the results mean the data is useful for analyzing the relationship between soil mois-ture and climate change.
    Mahfouf J. -F., 1991: Analysis of soil moisture from near-surface parameters: A feasibility study. J. Appl. Meteor., 30, 1534- 1547.10.1175/1520-0450(1991)0302.0.CO; The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that it is possible to estimate soil moisture from the evolution of atmospheric parameters near the surface (temperature and relative humidity) if a realistic surface transfer model is available. Two methods to initialize soil moisture in meteorological models are then proposed: a variational method where the optimal soil moisture minimizes a penality function and a sequential method consisting of a set of predictions and static corrections of soil moisture. The algorithms are examined with a one-dimensional model including a detailed land-surface parameterization. A feasibility study is undertaken using the HAPEX-MOBILHY dataset where soil moisture has been measured together with atmospheric parameters. It is demonstrated that for three 48-h clear-sky periods the two methods are able to converge rapidly toward a realistic soil moisture content starting from arbitrary values.
    Meehl G. A., 1994: Influence of the land surface in the Asian summer monsoon: External conditions versus internal feedbacks. J.Climate, 7, 1033- 1049.10.1175/1520-0442(1994)0072.0.CO; The basic concept of land-sea temperature contrast and the strength of the Asian summer monsoon is investigated here by comparing the relative contributions of external conditions (involving surface albedo) and internal feedbacks (involving soil moisture) in a number of atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) mean climate simulations and in a GCM sensitivity experiment. All models are run with the same long-term mean sea surface temperatures so that only land-surface conditions affect the land-sea temperature contrast. There is a surprising consistency among the various models such that stronger summer monsoons (defined as high area-averaged precipitation over south Asia) are associated with greater land-sea temperature contrast (i.e., higher land temperatures), lower sea level pressure over land, less snow cover, and greater soil moisture. In a sensitivity study with land albedos uniformly raised from 0. 13 to 0.20 in one of the models, the winter-spring-summer sequence over southern Asia shows that there is a high sensitivity to the specified land albedos. Lower land albedos are associated with warmer land temperatures, greater land-sea temperature contrast, and a stronger Asian summer monsoon. There is also a positive feedback between soil moisture and precipitation (increased soil moisture provides a surface moisture source for further precipitation).
    Meng L., D. Long, S. M. Quiring, and Y. J. Shen, 2014: Statistical analysis of the relationship between spring soil moisture and summer precipitation in East China. Inter. J. Climatol., 34, 1511- 1523.10.1002/ The relationship between spring soil moisture (SM) and summer precipitation in East China (EC) was examined using monthly temperature and precipitation data and ERA-40 SM data. EC was divided into five different climate regions to investigate how SM-precipitation correlations vary under different climatic conditions. Both local and remote impacts of spring SM in EC were assessed. It was found that spring SM had significant correlations with summer precipitation in the East, Southeast, and Southwest regions, but not in the Northwest and Northeast region. This is possibly because correlations between summer precipitation and temperature (as a surrogate to SM–evaporation relationship) were statistically significant in the first three regions, but not in the Northwest and Northeast regions. Statistically significant positive correlations between SM and summer precipitation were found in the East and Southeast regions and statistically significant negative correlations were in the Southwest region. The negative SM-precipitation relationship is possibly because the Southwest region is primarily an energy-controlled regime. Significant SM-precipitation correlations were usually associated with strong SM persistence and precipitation autocorrelation. Our results suggest that strong correlation between spring SM and summer precipitation might be due to the combination of SM–precipitation interactions and precipitation autocorrelation. Our study also demonstrated that there are strong temporal variations in SM–precipitation relationships in the regions where significant correlations occurred. May SM had significant positive correlations (approximately 0.6) with summer precipitation over most of the study period in East region. Strong negative correlation (approximately 610.6) was found in Southwest during 1980s-1990s due to strong SM persistence and strong precipitation autocorrelation in the same period. This suggested that SM–precipitation relationships vary over time even in regions with strong coupling. Multivariate regression analysis demonstrated that SM persistence had the largest contribution to summer precipitation variation in East region and April precipitation was the dominant predictor of summer precipitation variations in Southeast and Southwest regions. Statistical analysis of SM and precipitation relationships should consider both SM persistence and precipitation autocorrelation. Results from this study can be used to improve the predictability of droughts.
    Sch盲r, C., D. L眉thi, U. Beyerle, E. Heise, 1999: The soil-precipitation feedback: A process study with a regional climate model. J.Climate, 12, 722- 736.10.1175/1520-0442(1999)012<0722:TSPFAP>2.0.CO; integrations with a regional climate model covering Europe and the Northern Atlantic are utilized to study the sensitivity of the summertime European precipitation climate with respect to the continental-scale soil moisture content. Experiments are conducted for July 1990 and 1993. For each of the two months, the control experiment with the initial soil water distribution derived from the operational ECMWF analysis is compared against two sensitivity experiments with dry and wet initial soil moisture distributions. The results demonstrate that summertime European precipitation climate in a belt ;1000 km wide between the wet Atlantic and the dry Mediterranean climate heavily depends upon the soil moisture content. In this belt, changes in monthly mean precipitation amount to about half of the changes in mean evapotranspiration. Budget analysis of water substance over selected subdomains demonstrate that the simulated sensitivity cannot be interpreted with the classical recycling mechanism, that is, the surplus of precipitation that falls over wet (as compared to dry) soils does not directly derive from evapotranspiration. Rather, the surplus of precipitation primarily originates from water vapor extracted from the ambient atmospheric flow. Thus, the soil--precipitation feedback must rely on some indirect mechanism, whereby wet soils increase the efficiency of convective precipitation processes. In order to isolate the physical mechanisms underlying the soil--precipitation feedback, a detailed analysis including an investigation of the mean diurnal cycle throughout the integration period is performed. The key elements of the feedback are the following. First, wet soils (small Bowen ratios) imply the buildup of a comparatively shallow boundary layer. The surface fluxes of heat and moisture are thus concentrated into a comparatively small volume of air, leading to the buildup of high values of low-level moist entropy, thereby providing a...
    Seller P. J., Y. Mintz, Y. C. Sud, and A. Dalcher, 1986: A simple biosphere model (SiB) for use within general circulation models. J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 505- 531.10.1175/1520-0469(1986)0432.0.CO; simple but realistic biosphere model has been developed for calculating the transfer of energy, mass and momentum between the atmosphere and the vegetated surface of the earth. The model is designed for use in atmospheric general circulation models. The vegetation in each terrestrial model grid area is represented by two distinct layers, either or both of which may be present or absent at any given location and time. The upper vegetation layer represents the perennial canopy of trees or shrubs, while the lower layer represents the annual ground cover of grasses and other herbaceous species. The local coverage of each vegetation layer may be fractional or complete but as the individual vegetation elements are considered to be evenly spaced, their root systems are assumed to extend uniformly throughout the entire grid area. The Simple Biosphere (SiB) has seven prognostic physical-state variables: two temperatures (one for the canopy and one for the ground cover and soil surface); two interception water stores (one for the canopy and one for the ground cover); and three soil moisture stores (two of which can be reached by the vegetation root systems and one underlying recharge layer into and out of which moisture is transferred more&raquo; only by hydraulic diffusion and gravitational drainage). 芦less
    Thiaw W. M., K. C. Mo, 2005: Impact of sea surface temperature and soil moisture on seasonal rainfall prediction over the Sahel. J.Climate, 18, 5330- 5343.10.1175/ The ensemble rainfall forecasts over the Sahel for July鈥揝eptember (JAS) from the NCEP Coupled Forecast System (CFS) were evaluated for the period 1981鈥2002. The comparison with the gauge-based precipitation analysis indicates that the predicted Sahel rainfall is light and exhibits little interannual variability. The rain belt is shifted about 4掳 southward. One major source of rainfall errors comes from the erroneous sea surface temperature (SST) forecasts. The systematic SST error pattern has positive errors in the North Pacific and the North Atlantic and negative errors in the tropical Pacific and the southern oceans. It resembles the decadal SST mode, which has a significant influence on rainfall over the Sahel. Because the systematic SST errors were not corrected during the forecasts, persistent errors serve as an additional forcing to the atmosphere. The second source of error is from the soil moisture feedback, which contributes to the southward shift of rainfall and dryness over West Africa. This was demonstrated by the comparison between simulations (SIMs) and the Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) run. Both are forced with observed SSTs. The SIMs initialized at the end of June have realistic soil moisture and do not show the southward shift of rainfall. The AMIP, which predicts soil moisture, maintains the dryness through the summer over the Sahel. For AMIP, the decreased rainfall is contributed by the decreased evaporation ( E ) due to the dry soil and the shift of the large temperature gradients southward. In response, the African easterly jet (AEJ) shifts southward. Since this jet is the primary source of energy for the African waves and their associated mesoscale convective systems, these too shift southward. This negative feedback contributes to increased dryness over the Sahel.
    Vivoni E. R., K. Tai, and D. J. Gochis, 2009: Effects of initial soil moisture on rainfall generation and subsequent hydrologic response during the North American monsoon. Journal of Hydrometeorology,10, 644-664, doi: 10.1175/2008JHM 1069.1.10.1175/ Through the use of a mesoscale meteorological model and distributed hydrologic model, the effects of initial soil moisture on rainfall generation, streamflow, and evapotranspiration during the North American monsoon are examined. A collection of atmospheric fields is simulated by varying initial soil moisture in the meteorological model. Analysis of the simulated rainfall fields shows that the total rainfall, intensity, and spatial coverage increase with higher soil moisture. Hydrologic simulations forced by the meteorological fields are performed using two scenarios: (i) fixed soil moisture initializations obtained via a drainage experiment in the hydrologic model and (ii) adjusted initializations to match conditions in the two models. The scenarios indicate that the runoff ratio increases with higher rainfall, although a change is observed from a linear (fixed initialization) to a nonlinear response (adjusted initialization). Variations in basin response are attributed to controls exerted by rainfall, soil, and vegetation properties for varying initial conditions. Antecedent wetness significantly influences the runoff response through the interplay of different runoff generation mechanisms and also controls the evapotranspiration process. The authors conclude that a regional increase in initial soil moisture promotes rainfall generation, streamflow, and evapotranspiration for this warm-season case study.
    Wei J. F., R. E. Dickinson, and H. S. Chen, 2008: A negative soil moisture-precipitation relationship and its causes. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9, 1364- 1376.10.1175/ This study examines a lagged soil moisture-precipitation (S-P) correlation for 24 yr of boreal summer (1979-2002) from the 40-yr ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-40), the NCEP-Department of Energy (DOE) reanalysis 2 (R-2), the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), 10 yr (1986-95) of data from phase 2 of the Global Soil Wetness Project (GSWP-2), and two 24-yr model simulations with the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model version 3.1 (CAM3). The different datasets and model simulations all show a similar negative-dominant S-P correlation pattern with wet areas having more significantly negative correlations than the dry areas. The experiments with CAM3 show that this correlation pattern is not caused by the soil moisture feedback. Rather, the combined effect of the precipitation variability and the memory of soil moisture is the main reason for this correlation pattern. Theoretical analysis confirms this conclusion and shows that the correlation pattern is related to both the precipitation spectrum and the time scale of soil moisture retention. This study suggests that the attribution of lagged correlations of precipitation with soil moisture or related variables should be done cautiously.
    Wu R. G., J. L. Kinter III, 2009: Analysis of relationship of U. S. droughts with SST and soil moisture: Distinguishing the time scale of droughts . J. Climate,22, 4520-4538, doi: 10.1175/2009JCLI2841.1.10.1175/ The impacts of droughts depend on how long droughts persist and the reasons why droughts extend to different time scales may be different. The present study distinguishes the time scale of droughts based on the standardized precipitation index and analyzes the relationship of boreal summer U.S. droughts with sea surface temperature (SST) and soil moisture. It is found that the roles of remote SST forcing and local soil moisture differ significantly for long-term and short-term droughts in the U.S. Great Plains and Southwest. For short-term droughts (鈮3 months), simultaneous remote SST forcing plays an important role with an additional contribution from soil moisture. For medium-term and long-term droughts (鈮6 months), both simultaneous and antecedent SST forcing contribute to droughts, and the soil moisture is important for the persistence of droughts through a positive feedback to precipitation. The antecedent remote SST forcing contributes to droughts through soil moisture and evaporation changes. The tropical Pacific SST is the dominant remote forcing for U.S. droughts. The most notable impacts of the tropical Pacific SST are found in the Southwest with extensions to the Great Plains. Tropical Indian Ocean SST forcing has a notable influence on medium-term and long-term U.S. droughts. The relationships between tropical Indian and Pacific Ocean SST and boreal summer U.S. droughts have undergone obvious long-term changes, especially for the Great Plains droughts.
    Xue Y. K., F. J. Zeng, and C. A. Schlosser, 1996: SSiB and its sensitivity to soil properties閳ユ柡锟芥摐 case study using HAPEX-Mobilhy data. Global and Planetary Change, 13, 183- 194.10.1016/0921-8181(95) this paper, SSiB's development and some of its major parameterizations in the model are briefly reviewed. The soil moisture parameterizations, which are a key element in the model, are comprehensively described.The sensitivity study shows that hydraulic conductivity at saturation, B parameter, and wilting point have a profound impact on the simulation of soil moisture, but with different features. Both hydraulic conductivity at saturation and B parameter influence the soil moisture simulation by changing the soil hydraulic conductivity and the field capacity. The changes in equilibrium soil water content in this study are consistent with the changes in field capacity. The wilting point affects the soil moisture through vegetation transpiration.Through these sensitivity studies, improvements in modeling the soil moisture content of HAPEX-Mobilhy data are made. The soil moisture simulations at six Russian sites are also re-examined. After applying the results from the sensitivity studies of the HAPEX-Mobilhy data, the soil moisture simulation of the Russian data is significantly improved.
    Xue Y. K., H. -M. H. Juang, W.-P. Li, S. Prince, R. DeFries, Y. Jiao, and R. Vasic, 2004: Role of land surface processes in monsoon development: East Asia and West Africa. J. Geophys. Res., 109, D03105, doi: 10.1029/2003JD003556.10.1029/[1] Evidence is presented that exchanges of water and energy between the vegetation and the atmosphere play an important role in east Asian and West African monsoon development and are among the most important mechanisms governing the development of the monsoon. The results were obtained by conducting simulations for five months of 1987 using a general circulation model (GCM) coupled with two different land surface parameterizations, with and without explicit vegetation representations, referred to as the GCM/vegetation and the GCM/soil, respectively. The two land surface models produced similar results at the planetary scale but substantial differences at regional scales, especially in the monsoon regions and some of the large continental areas. In the simulation with GCM/soil, the east Asian summer monsoon moisture transport and precipitation were too strong in the premonsoon season, and an important east Asian monsoon feature, the abrupt monsoon northward jump, was unclear. In the GCM/vegetation simulation, the abrupt northward jump and other monsoon evolution processes were simulated, such as the large-scale turning of the low-level airflow during the early monsoon stage in both regions. With improved initial soil moisture and vegetation maps, the intensity and spatial distribution of the summer precipitation were also improved. The two land surface representations produced different longitudinal and latitudinal sensible heat gradients at the surface that, in turn, influenced the low-level temperature and pressure gradients, wind flow (through geostrophic balance), and moisture transport. It is suggested that the great east-west thermal gradient may contribute to the abrupt northward jump and the latitudinal heating gradient may contribute to the clockwise and counterclockwise turning of the low-level wind. The results showed that under unstable atmospheric conditions, not only low-frequency mean forcings from the land surface, such as monthly mean albedo, but also the perturbation processes of vegetation were important to the monsoon evolution, affecting its intensity, the spatial distribution of precipitation, and associated circulation at the continental scale.
    Xue Y., P. J. Sellers, J. L. Kinter III, and J. Shukla, 1991: A simplified biosphere model for global climate studies. J.Climate, 4, 345- 364.10.1175/1520-0442(1991)004<0345:ASBMFG>2.0.CO; A comprehensive analysis of the simple biosphere model (SIB) of Sellers et al. (1986) is performed in an effort to bridge the gap between the typical hydrological treatment of the land surface biosphere and the conventional general circulation model treatment, which is specified through a single parameter. Approximations are developed that stimulate the effects of reduced soil moisture more simply, maintaining the essence of the biophysical concepts utilized in SIB. Comparing the reduced parameter biosphere with those from the original formulation in a GCM and a zero-dimensional model shows the simplified version to reproduce the original results quite closely.
    Yang R., M. J. Fennessy, and J. Shukla, 1994: The influence of initial of soil wetness on medium-range surface weather forecasts. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 471- 485.10.1175/1520-0493(1994)1222.0.CO; The influence of initial soil wetness on surface weather forecasts was quantitatively assessed through the use of the Center for Ocean–Land–Atmosphere Interactions (COLA) general circulation model with an advanced simple biosphere model. The sensitivity of the COLA GCM to changes in initial soil wetness (ISW) is determined by repeating three 10-day integrations with the same initial and boundary conditions as the control runs except the values of ISW, which are revised at 69 model grid points covering much of the continental United States. It is found that the relationship between the changes in the 5-day mean forecasts of surface air temperature and surface specific humidity and the changes in ISW depends upon vegetation type and the values of ISW, and is approximated by regression equations. With the ISW revised based on these regression equations, the first 5-day mean surface air temperature and mean surface relative humidity forecast errors over the relatively dry western portion of the domain are reduced from 2.9° to 1.1°C and from 15% to 7.6%, respectively. Somewhat smaller surface forecast improvements occur for the following 5 days. The impact on the upper atmosphere is small and is largely confined to lower levels. It is also found that the model soil wetness has strong persistence. Therefore, additional forecast experiments are carried out in which the initial soil wetness for a 10-day integration is revised based on the surface forecast errors for the preceding 5-day mean. This results in a reduction of the first 5-day mean surface air temperature and surface relative humidity forecast errors from 2.4° to 1.3°C and from 15% to 8%, respectively, averaged over the dry region. This study suggests the importance of accurate initial soil wetness for medium-range surface weather forecasts. The regression method developed in this study could be readily used operationally to initialize the soil wetness field for medium-range forecasting.
    Yang S., K. -M. Lau, 1998: Influences of sea surface temperature and ground wetness on Asian summer monsoon. J.Climate, 11, 3230- 3246.10.1175/1520-0442(1998)011&lt;3230:IOSSTA&gt;2.0.CO; The authors have conducted a series of experiments with a general circulation model to understand the influences of sea surface temperature (SST) and ground wetness (GW) (measured by snow amount and soil moisture content) on the Asian summer monsoon. The experiments are designed to illustrate the dominant features of monsoon response to SST and GW forcings and to delineate the relative importance of each forcing function in contributing to the variability of the monsoon.Results indicate that ocean basin-scale SST anomalies exert a stronger control on the interannual variability of the monsoon compared to GW anomalies. The impact of SST anomalies on the monsoon appears nonlinear with respect to warm and cold events. The monsoon is weakened during the warm events but changes less noticeably during the cold events. The diminution of monsoon circulation associated with the warm SST anomalies is accompanied by a broad-scale reduction in water vapor convergence and monsoon rainfall.Results also indicate that, following wet land surface conditions (enhanced snow and soil moisture) in the Asian continent during previous cold seasons, the summer monsoon becomes moderately weaker. Antecedent land surface processes mainly influence the early part of the monsoon. Wetter and colder conditions occur in the Asian continent during warm SST events. This results in reduced land-sea thermal contrast, which reinforces the weak monsoon anomalies produced initially by warm SST forcing. These interactive forcings are also responsible for the changes in the winter-spring westerlies over subtropical Asia, which are key precursory signals for the subsequent summer monsoon.It should be pointed out that this study is conducted for the climate decade of 1979-88 only. The general robustness of the results needs to be explored by further investigations. In addition, chaotic features may have affected the results because of sampling errors.
    Yeh T.-C., R. T. Wetherald, and S. Manabe, 1984: The effect of soil moisture on the short-term climate and hydrology change閳ユ柡锟芥摐 numerical experiment. Mon. Wea. Rev., 112, 474- 490.
    You X. T., T. N. Xiong, T. Yasunari, and H. L. Tanaka, 2000: The impact of the ground wetness anomalies in spring on the climate of following months. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 24, 660- 668. (in Chinese) impact of anomalous ground wetness (GW) in spring over Asian mid-latitudes on the monthly climatic parameters in the following four months is investigated with a GCM experiment. The main results are summarized as follows: the effect of positive GW anomalies on the monthly climatic parameters is the weakest for the first following month and the strongest for the third following months; the positive anomalous GW leads to decreases of both height and temperature in the whole troposphere over most mid-high latitudes of Asia for all following four months, to developments of both the depressions in mid-high latitudes and the subtropical high, and thus to intensification of the westerly jet; and some evidences of teleconnection remarkably appear in the atmospheric circulation over the east coast of North America.
    Zampieri M., F. D'Andrea R. Vautard, P. Ciais, N. De Noblet-Decoudr茅, and P. Yiou, 2009: Hot European summers and the role of soil moisture in the propagation of Mediterranean drought. J. Climate,22, 4747-4758, doi: 10.1175/2009JCLI 2568.1.10.1175/ Drought in spring and early summer has been shown to precede anomalous hot summer temperature. In particular, drought in the Mediterranean region has been recently shown to precede and to contribute to the development of extreme heat in continental Europe. In this paper, this mechanism is investigated by per- forming integrations of a regional mesoscale model at the scale of the European continent in order to re- produce hot summer inception, starting with different initial values of soil moisture south of 468N. The mesoscale model is driven by the large-scale atmospheric conditions corresponding to the 10 hottest summers on record from the European Climate Assessment dataset. A northward progression of heat and drought from late spring to summer is observed from the Mediterranean regions, which leads to a further increase of temperature during summer in temperate continental Europe. Dry air formed over dry soils in the Medi- terranean region induces less convection and diminished cloudiness, which gets transported northward by occasional southerly wind, increasing northward temperature and vegetation evaporative demand. Later in the season, drier soils have been established in western and central Europe where they further amplify the warming through two main feedback mechanisms: 1) higher sensible heat emissions and 2) favored upper-air anticyclonic circulation. Drier soils in southern Europe accelerate the northward propagation of heat and drying, increasing the probability of strong heat wave episodes in the middle or the end of the summer.
    Zhan Y. L., Z. H. Lin, 2011: The relationship between June precipitation over mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin and spring soil moisture over the East Asian monsoon region. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 25, 355- 363.10.1007/ the US Climate Prediction Center (CPC) soil moisture dataset and the observed precipitation over China together with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis wind and air temperature,the relationship between June precipitation over mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin (MLR-YRB) and spring soil moisture over the East Asian monsoon region was explored,with the signal of the ENSO effect on precipitation removed.A significant positive correlation was found between the mean June precipitation and the preceding soil moisture over the MRL YRB.The possible response mechanism for this relationship was also investigated.It is found that when the soil over the MRL-YRB is wetter (drier) than normal in April and May,the air temperature in the lower troposphere over this region in May is lower (higher) than normal,and this temperature effect leads to a decrease (increase) in the temperature contrast between the land and the sea.Generally,a decrease (increase) in the land-sea temperature contrast leads to weaker (stronger) East Asian summer monsoon in June.Southerly (northerly) wind anomalies at 850 hPa then show up in the south of the Yangtze River basin while northerly (southerly) wind anomalies dominate in the north.These anomalies lead to the convergence (divergence) of wind and water vapor and hence gives rise to more (less) precipitation in June over the MLR-YRB.
    Zhang R. H., A. Sumi, 2002: Moisture circulation over East Asia during El Ni帽o episode in northern winter, spring and autumn. J. Meteor. Soc.Japan, 80, 213- 227.10.2151/ analysis is made to investigate features of the moisture circulation over East Asian during the El Nino episode in northern winter, spring and autumn. It is found that in all these seasons, the anomalies of precipitation in China, atmospheric precipitable water, water vapor transport and moisture divergence over East Asia in the El Nino mature phase, differ from those in the rest of the phases. In the El Nino mature phase, positive precipitation anomalies occur in the southern part of China. More northeastward water vapor transport appears around the southeastern coast of East Asia, where moisture converges, and precipitable water is above normal, which are consistent with the precipitation anomalies. The physical process through which El Nino affects the East Asian climate, is also identified. Differing from the rest of the phases in the El Nino episode, the mature phase is characterized by strong convective cooling anomalies in the atmosphere, in the area (0-15掳N 110掳E-150掳E) over the western tropical Pacific. As a Rossby wave response of the tropical atmosphere to the cooling anomalies, an anomalous low-level anticyclone forms to the north of the maritime continent. This anticyclonic anomaly not only transports more water vapor to the area around the southeastern coast of East Asia, but also strengthens the western Pacific subtropical high, and shifts it to the south of the mainland China, which are favorable for more precipitation in the southern part of China.
    Zhang R. H., Z. Y. Zuo, 2011: Impact of spring soil moisture on surface energy balance and summer monsoon circulation over East Asia and precipitation in East China. J.Climate, 24, 3309- 3322.10.1175/ Numerous studies have been conducted on the impact of soil moisture on the climate, but few studies have attempted to diagnose the linkage between soil moisture and climate variability using observational data. Here, using both observed and reanalysis data, the spring (April鈥揗ay) soil moisture is found to have a significant impact on the summer (June鈥揂ugust) monsoon circulation over East Asia and precipitation in east China by changing surface thermal conditions. In particular, the spring soil moisture over a vast region from the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River valley to north China (the YRNC region) is significantly correlated to the summer precipitation in east China. When the YRNC region has a wetter soil in spring, northeast China and the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River valley would have abnormally higher precipitation in summer, while the region south of the Yangtze River valley would have abnormally lower precipitation. An analysis of the physical processes linking the spring soil moisture to the summer precipitation indicates that the soil moisture anomaly across the YRNC region has a major impact on the surface energy balance. Abnormally wet soil would increase surface evaporation and hence decrease surface air temperature ( T a ). The reduced T a in late spring would narrow the land ea temperature difference, resulting in the weakened East Asian monsoon in an abnormally strengthened western Pacific subtropical high that is also located farther south than its normal position. This would then enhance precipitation in the Yangtze River valley. Conversely, the abnormally weakened East Asian summer monsoon allows the western Pacific subtropical high to wander to south of the Yangtze River Valley, resulting in an abnormally reduced precipitation in the southern part of the country in east China.
    Zhang R. H., A. Sumi, and M. Kimoto, 1999: A diagnostic study of the impact of El Nino on the precipitation in China. Adv. Atmos. Sci.,16, 229-241, doi: 10.1007/BF02973084
    Zuo Z. Y., R. H. Zhang, 2007: The spring soil moisture and the summer rainfall in eastern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52, 3310- 3312.10.1007/ relation between the soil moisture in spring and the rainfall in summer in eastern China is investi- gated. Results show that the summer rainfall in eastern China is closely related to the spring soil moisture in the area from North China to the lower reaches of Yangtze River (NCYR). When spring soil moisture anomalies over NCYR are positive, the summer precipitation exhibits positive anomalies in Northeast China and the lower reaches of Yangtze River, and negative anomalies in southern China and North China. The higher soil moisture over NCYR cools land surface and reduces the land-sea tem- perature gradient, which weakens East Asian summer monsoon. The western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) is located to the south and shifts westward, resulting in more rainfall in the lower reaches of Yangtze River and less in southern China and North China.
    Zuo Z. Y., R. H. Zhang, 2009: Temporal and spatial features of the soil moisture in boreal spring in eastern China. Science in China (D), 52, 269- 278.10.1007/ moisture data of 45 years from European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERA-40) and the in situ observational data are used to study the temporal and spatial characteristics of the soil moisture in boreal spring in the area to the east of 100掳E in China. Results show that ERA-40 soil moisture well reproduces the temporal and spatial features of observations. ERA-40 data capture the spatial pattern that the soils in Northeast China and Southwest China are wetter than those in Inner Mongolia and North China and represent the inter-annual variability in ob-servations. The dry trends of spring soil moisture are evident over the whole eastern China. It is espe-cially prominent for the dry trend in southwest China where the spring soil from surface to deep-layer show drying and the trend became significant after the 1980s. The dry trend in Northeast China is weak after early 1970s in near-surface layer but aggravates after latel 1970s in deep layers. In the mid-latitude zone, the inter-annual variation of spring soil is robust and shows no dry trend except in deep-layer after 1988.
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Manuscript received: 06 May 2015
Manuscript revised: 23 July 2015
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Influence of Soil Moisture in Eastern China on the East Asian Summer Monsoon

  • 1. Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081

Abstract: The sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon to soil moisture anomalies over China was investigated based on ensembles of seasonal simulations (March-September) using the NCEP GCM coupled with the Simplified Simple Biosphere Model (NCEP GCM/SSiB). After a control experiment with free-running soil moisture, two ensembles were performed in which the soil moisture over the vast region from the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River valley to North China (YRNC) was double and half that in the control, with the maximum less than the field capacity. The simulation results showed significant sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon to wet soil in YRNC. The wetter soil was associated with increased surface latent heat flux and reduced surface sensible heat flux. In turn, these changes resulted in a wetter and colder local land surface and reduced land-sea temperature gradients, corresponding to a weakened East Asian monsoon circulation in an anomalous anticyclone over southeastern China, and a strengthened East Asian trough southward over Northeast China. Consequently, less precipitation appeared over southeastern China and North China and more rainfall over Northeast China. The weakened monsoon circulation and strengthened East Asian trough was accompanied by the convergence of abnormal northerly and southerly flow over the Yangtze River valley, resulting in more rainfall in this region. In the drier soil experiments, less precipitation appeared over YRNC. The East Asian monsoon circulation seems to show little sensitivity to dry soil anomalies in NCEP GCM/SSiB.

1. Introduction
  • As an important component of surface hydrology, soil moisture plays a major role in the surface energy budget and thus strongly influences the atmosphere over a range of temporal and spatial scales (e.g., Dickinson and Henderson-Sellers, 1988; Mahfouf, 1991; Dirmeyer and Shukla, 1993; Ma et al., 2000; Douville, 2002; Thiaw and Mo, 2005; Kanae et al., 2006). The nature of soil moisture-precipitation feedback shows regional variations (Yeh et al., 1984; Schär et al., 1999; Collini et al., 2008; Alfieri et al., 2008; Wu and Kinter III, 2009; Vivoni et al., 2009; Dirmeyer, 2011; Hirschi et al., 2011). The impact of soil moisture on precipitation over continental interiors is generally simple: the water added to the land surface during a precipitation event corresponds to increased evaporation, in turn resulting in further rainfall. However, for regions in which precipitation is determined by monsoonal circulation, the impact of soil moisture is complicated due to the contrasting effects of soil moisture conditions on monsoonal circulation via changes in surface temperature and the supply of water vapor to the overlying air column (Meehl, 1994; Douville et al., 2001). A greater understanding of the influence of soil moisture on the atmosphere should lead to improved forecasts of soil moisture itself, as well as other fields such as precipitation, temperature, and evaporation (e.g., Yang et al., 1994; Zampieri et al., 2009; Li et al., 2015).

    The region of eastern China is well known for soil moisture anomalies having a significant influence on atmospheric circulation and precipitation (Koster et al., 2004; Kim and Hong, 2007). For instance, our group's previous studies, based on observation analysis (Zuo and Zhang, 2007; Zhang and Zuo, 2011), reported that the East Asian summer monsoon and rainfall in China show a significant correlation with springtime soil moisture over the vast region from the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River valley to North China (YRNC). Weaker East Asian summer monsoon circulation is associated with greater springtime soil moisture over YRNC, resulting in above-normal rainfall in Northeast China and the Yangtze River valley, and below-normal rainfall in southern China and North China. Using the U.S. Climate Prediction Center soil moisture dataset, (Zhan and Lin, 2011) reported that the spring wet soil anomalies over the East Asian monsoon region correspond to a cold tropospheric atmosphere in May, and thereby conducive to a weaker East Asian monsoon, consistent with the conclusion of (Zuo and Zhang, 2007) and (Zhang and Zuo, 2011). However, based on data from the 40-yr European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis, (Meng et al., 2014) argued that the significant relationship between spring soil moisture and summer rainfall, as suggested by (Zuo and Zhang, 2007) and (Zhang and Zuo, 2011), might be the consequence of the combination of soil moisture-precipitation interactions and precipitation autocorrelation. The lack of consensus may be the consequence of the different datasets used; over eastern China, observational soil moisture data exhibit large discrepancies with reanalysis data (Zuo and Zhang, 2009; Liu et al., 2014). Therefore, it is necessary to further document the relationship between spring soil moisture over eastern China and the East Asian summer monsoon system using numerical models. Previous modeling studies have reported a significant relationship between initial spring soil moisture anomalies and Asian summer monsoon circulation over East Asia (e.g., You et al., 2000; Kim and Hong, 2007), but these studies used idealized soil moisture sensitively experiments. Thus, further investigation with more realistic soil moisture anomalies is required. The ultimate aim of the present study was to verify the observational analyses of (Zuo and Zhang, 2007) and (Zhang and Zuo, 2011) with numerical model results. Specifically, the influence of spring soil moisture over eastern China on the East Asian summer monsoon system, and summer precipitation, was investigated using a numerical model with realistic soil moisture anomalies.

    Since the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) GCM coupled with the Simplified Simple Biosphere Model (SSiB) improves the simulation of the structure and characteristics of the Asian summer monsoon system (Xue et al., 2004), it was used in the present study to verify the observed significant relationship between spring soil moisture and summer rainfall over eastern China, and further investigate the relevant physical processes. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: NCEP GCM and the SSiB land surface scheme are briefly described in section 2, along with the design of the seasonal climate simulations. Section 3 discusses the main features of the climate in the control (CTRL) experiment, and section 4 analyzes the sensitivity of the monsoon circulation and rainfall to soil moisture anomalies. Section 5 further discusses the plausible causes for the different responses of the East Asian summer monsoon to abnormally wet or dry soil, and the impact of SST anomalies on soil moisture-precipitation feedback. Finally, a summary of the results and the main conclusions are provided in section 6.

2. Data and methods
  • The NCEP GCM, with 28 levels and T62 horizontal resolution (Kalnay et al., 1990; Kanamitsu et al., 1991), was used for a range of model runs. The SSiB biosphere model (Xue et al., 1991, 1996, 2004; Hansen et al., 2000) is a simplified version of the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB) (Seller et al., 1986), and was coupled with NCEP GCM in this study. In describing the surface water balance, SSiB includes processes such as water interception loss, direct evaporation from bare soil, and canopy transpiration. The storage of canopy-intercepted water is based on water conservation. In the three soil layers, water movement is described by a finite-difference approximation to the diffusion equations \begin{eqnarray*} \dfrac{\partial\theta_1}{\partial t}&=&\dfrac{1}{D_1}(P+Q_{12}-E_{ gs}-b_1E_{ dc}) ,\\ \dfrac{\partial\theta_2}{\partial t}&=&\dfrac{1}{D_2}(-Q_{12}+Q_{23}-b_2E_{ dc}) , \\ \dfrac{\partial\theta_3}{\partial t}&=&\dfrac{1}{D_3}(-Q_{23}-Q_3-b_3E_{ dc}) , \end{eqnarray*} where θ123,D1,D2 and D3 are the volumetric soil water content and soil thickness of the top (0-10 cm from the ground surface), middle (0-44 cm), and deep (10-200 cm) soil layers, respectively; E dc is the transpiration rate; E gs is evaporation from bare soil; bi (i=1,2,3) is the fraction factor, which depends on the root distribution; and Qj (j=1,2,3) is the transfer of water between the ith and jth layers. SSiB provided momentum flux, sensible and latent heat flux, radiative skin temperature, and visible and near-infrared albedo for both direct and diffuse radiation to the GCM.

    Given that the present study focuses on seasonal variations, all atmospheric simulations were forced with prescribed climatological monthly mean SST, sea ice, and snow depth. The soil moisture conditions were controlled in YRNC (30°-40°N, 105°-120°E) based on the observational analysis of (Zuo and Zhang, 2007) and (Zhang and Zuo, 2011). We set a 2° intermediate zone around the controlled domain, in which the soil moisture constraint gradually diminished to zero, to ensure a smooth transition between the controlled soil moisture area and other free-running soil moisture areas (Fig. 1). In the climatology, the initial soil moisture in the top and deep soil layers over YRNC in CTRL gradually increased from south to north, with a minimum of less than 0.15 around Shandong Province and a maximum larger than 0.3 around the Yangtze River valley (Fig. 2). Generally, the soil moisture in the deep soil layer was slightly greater than that in the top soil layer.

    Figure 1.  Geographical domain in which soil moisture was controlled. The control was gradually diminished from the inner boundary to the outer boundary of the domain.

    Figure 2.  Spatial distribution of soil moisture in the (a) top soil layer and (b) deep soil layer, in CTRL.

    Because the focus of this study was the summer monsoon, all simulations ran from mid-March to the end of September. Each experiment comprised an ensemble of six seven-month integration members, using the same boundary conditions but different initial conditions, to delete the noise derived from the internal atmospheric variability. The initial conditions of 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 21 March 1990, derived from the NCEP/NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) Global Reanalysis were applied. Since the model was initialized between 11 and 21 March, it ran for at least one month before the onset of the East Asian summer monsoon, and thereby avoided any spurious behavior related to the spin-up of the atmosphere. Additionally, 1990 was neither an El Niño year nor a La Niña year, thereby eliminating the possible impact of robust SST anomalies on the initial condition. In the analysis presented in this paper, only the significant impacts of soil moisture are discussed. The ensembles are mainly compared for May, and for June-July-August (JJA).

    We ran three experiments: CTRL; a wet soil experiment (WSM); and a dry soil experiment (DSM). The only difference among the three experiments was the initial soil moisture value. CTRL was used to verify that NCEP GCM/SSiB is able to reasonably depict the main features of the Asian monsoon. A number of datasets were used to validate the CTRL results, including 200 and 850 hPa winds from the NCEP reanalysis dataset, and observed (160-station) precipitation from the China Meteorological Administration (CMA). In WSM, the initial soil moisture values in all three soil layers over YRNC were increased to double those in CTRL, with the maximum value not exceeding the field capacity. The differences between WSM and CTRL were analyzed to assess the impact of wetter spring soil over YRNC on the East Asian summer monsoon. DSM was the same as WSM but with the initial soil moisture over YRNC set to half that in CTRL. The differences between the outputs of CTRL and DSM indicated the effects of dryer springtime soil on the East Asian summer monsoon.

3. Control experiments
  • The sensitivity of a complex system is likely to depend on its basic state. Therefore, we needed to validate the main features of the climate before investigating the climate response to the soil moisture anomalies. Since NCEP GCM/SSiB uses T62 truncation, the validation focused on whether the main features of the East Asian summer monsoon were reasonably depicted. Figure 3 shows the climatological JJA horizontal winds at 200 hPa and 850 hPa from CTRL and NCEP reanalysis. As can be seen, NCEP GCM/SSiB performs reasonably well in simulating the upper-tropospheric atmospheric circulation (Figs. 3a and b). Both the reanalysis data and model outputs show that a large-scale anticyclonic circulation exhibits a dominant influence over southern Asia and the surrounding oceans, with the center located at (25°N, 95°E). The southern side of the anticyclone is dominated by the easterly monsoonal flow. The Asian low-level westerly jet is also captured (Figs. 3c and d). The model is successful in capturing these basic features of the East Asian monsoon circulation. However, a number of discrepancies between the reanalysis data and simulation results also exist. Specifically, the model overestimates the intensity of upper-level northeasterly flow and the low-level southwesterly jet over the equator and tropical Southern Hemisphere, and underestimates the intensity of upper-level westerly flow over the middle and high latitudes. Additionally, the model simulates easterly flow in the lower troposphere over southeastern China, which is inconsistent with the observed southerly flow.

    Figure 4b shows the climatology of observed (CMA) climatological JJA rainfall from over eastern China. The minimum JJA rainfall is located over Inner Mongolia, increasing southward. The centers of maximum JJA rainfall are located over southeastern China and southwestern China, near the eastern Tibetan Plateau. CTRL performed reasonably well in capturing these main features (Fig. 4a). However, compared with observations, the model overestimates the maximum rainfall centers over southeastern and southwestern China, and underestimates the rainfall over Shandong Peninsula.

    Figure 3.  JJA horizontal winds at (a) 200 hPa and (c) 850 hPa wind (units: m s$^-1$) in CTRL. (b, d) As in (a, c) but for the observation ("Obs"; NCEP reanalysis).

    Figure 4.  JJA rainfall (units: mm d$^-1$) in (a) CTRL and (b) the observation ("Obs"; CMA).

    Figure 5.  Difference in surface air specific humidity (units: g kg$^-1$) in May between CTRL and (a) WSM and (b) DSM.

4. Influence of soil moisture anomalies on the East Asian monsoon
  • The variability of soil moisture has a significant impact on surface energy fluxes (Amenu et al., 2005, Zhang and Zuo, 2011). It first influences evaporation, and thereby affects the sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, and radiation flux exchange between the land surface and the atmosphere. Figure 5 shows the surface air specific humidity in May in WSM and DSM compared with CTRL. The positive (negative) soil moisture anomalies correspond to positive (negative) specific humidity anomalies due to the effect of evaporation. In WSM, the increasing soil moisture is associated with enhanced specific humidity north of 30°N, with a maximum (1.5× 10-3 g kg-1) around North China (Fig. 5a). The reduced soil moisture corresponds to a reduced specific humidity over the whole of eastern China, with a maximum (-1.5× 10-3 g kg-1) around southern Northeast China (Fig. 5b).

    The anomalies in humidity influence the surface energy budget. In WSM, greater latent heat flux and reduced sensible heat flux appear over most of YRNC and Northeast China, with maximum changes of 70 W m-2 for latent heat flux and -55 Wm-2 for sensible heat flux, over the area between the Huaihe River valley and the Yangtze River valley (Figs. 6a and b). Conversely, lower evaporation due to less initial soil moisture is accompanied by reduced latent heat flux and greater sensible heat flux over all of eastern China, except for a small part of Northeast China, with maximum changes of -55 W m-2 for latent heat flux and 40 W m-2 for sensible heat flux, over the Yangtze River valley (Figs. 6e and f).

    In short, increased (reduced) evaporation from the land surface results from wetter (dryer) soil, which is associated with reduced (increased) sensible heat flux and increased (reduced) latent heat flux, indicating lower (higher) Bowen ratios. Low (high) Bowen ratios are generally accompanied by a cold (warm) land surface, which leads to reduced (enhanced) net long wave radiation. As expected, the maximum change (-15 W m-2) in the WSM experiment occurs in the area between the Huaihe valley and the Yangtze River valley, while the maximum change (15 W m-2) in the DSM experiment occurs in the Yangtze River valley (Figs. 6d and h). Generally, the net solar radiation absorbed by the soil shows a decrease (increase) in WSM (DSM), but this effect is much weaker than the change in longwave radiation (Figs. 6c and g). The change in net radiative energy flux is small compared with that in heat flux.

    Figure 6.  Difference in (a) surface latent, (b) sensible heat flux, (c) short wave radiation, and (d) long wave radiation (units: W m$^-2$) in May between CTRL and WSM. (e-h) As in (a-d) but for the difference between CTRL and DSM.

    Figure 6.  (Continued.)

    Figure 7.  Difference in 2 m air temperature (units: K) in (a) May and (b) JJA between CTRL and WSM. (c, d) As in (a, b) but for the difference between CTRL and DSM.

    Figure 8.  Difference in JJA horizontal wind (units: m s$^-1$) at (a) 200 hPa and (b) 850 hPa between CTRL and WSM. (c, d) As in (a, b) but for the difference between CTRL and DSM.

    Figure 9.  Difference in JJA geopotential height at 500 hPa between CTRL and (a) WSM and (b) DSM.

    Figure 10.  As in Fig. 9 but for the latitude-height section of JJA vertical winds along 100°-120°E (units: $10^3$ pa s$^-1$).

    Figure 11.  As in Fig. 9 but for JJA precipitation (units: mm d$^-1$).

    Figure 12.  Time series of the difference in top (grey lines with circles) and deep (black lines with squares) soil moisture between CTRL and (a) WSM and (b) DSM.

    Figure 7 shows the influence of soil moisture on the surface air temperature anomalies in May and JJA. The center of the simulated temperature anomalies in May is located over North China in WSM (maximum of -2.5 K), and over the Yangtze River valley and southern Northeast China in DSM (maximum of 1.5 K). Specifically, although the positive (negative) soil moisture anomalies correspond to lower (higher) temperature, the surface air temperature anomalies in WSM are much larger than those in DSM before the onset of East Asian summer monsoon. Using observational data, (Zhang and Zuo, 2011) reported that abnormally high soil moisture over YRNC in spring is associated with a cold land surface in late spring because of the important effect of evaporation in the surface energy budget. Clearly, the simulations based on NCEP GCM/SSiB verify this observation. The positive (negative) soil moisture anomalies correspond to lower (higher) temperature, even after the onset of the East Asian summer monsoon (Figs. 7c and d), with the center of the simulated temperature anomalies situated over North China in WSM (maximum of -1.0 K) and over the Yangtze River valley in DSM (maximum of 1.5 K). Outside the domain with controlled soil moisture, there is a center of negative temperature anomalies over Northeast China in WSM, with a maximum of -1.5 K, which is greater than that over YRNC.

  • Given that the monsoon is the atmospheric response to a reversal in land-sea thermal contrast, the temperature anomalies associated with abnormal soil moisture probably have a strong influence on large-scale monsoonal circulation. This hypothesis is confirmed by the horizontal winds at 200 and 850 hPa (Fig. 8). The upper easterly monsoonal flow and the low-level westerly monsoonal jet in WSM are much weaker than those in CTRL over tropical Asia, the Indian Ocean, and part of the western Pacific (Figs. 8a and b). A stronger upper-level westerly jet in the middle latitudes and cyclonic circulation appear over Mongolia and adjacent areas, representing a relatively deep East Asian trough. An anomalous dipole pattern of geopotential height at 500 hPa is apparent across the Yangtze River valley, with an abnormal high to its south and an abnormal low to its north (Fig. 9a). Specifically, an abnormal high dominates southeastern China and a strengthened East Asian trough extends southward to Northeast China. These features indicate a weaker summer monsoon. An anticyclonic circulation appears over the subtropical western Pacific and southeastern China in the low-level troposphere, which inhibits rainfall in southeastern China but brings more moisture to the Yangtze River valley. The anomalous northwesterly in the low-level troposphere over midlatitude areas converges with the warm and wet southwesterly wind over the Yangtze River valley, indicating the occurrence of vapor flux convergence. As a consequence, there is more rainfall in this region. The strengthened East Asian trough extends southward to Northeast China, bringing more rainfall.

    Generally, the East Asian summer monsoon circulation shows little response to dryer soil anomalies. The upper monsoon circulation shows a weak intensification over the western Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea, but diminishes in the regions to their west (Fig. 8c). The low-level horizontal winds also do not exhibit any apparent change (Fig. 8d). Additionally, moderate positive geopotential height anomalies dominate the whole of eastern China, indicating the likelihood of negative rainfall anomalies over the whole of eastern China (Fig. 9b). It seems that the monsoonal circulation is insensitive to a warmer land surface over eastern China.

    Figure 10 shows the latitude-height changes of JJA vertical wind along 100°-120°E in the WSM and DSM experiments compared with CTRL. In WSM, ascending motion occurs in the Yangtze River valley and Northeast China, while descending motion occurs over North China and southeastern China (Fig. 10a). Consequently, rainfall in WSM increases over the Yangtze River valley and Northeast China, but decreases in southeastern China and North China, compared with CTRL (Fig. 11a). These features are similar to those observed during years with a weak East Asian summer monsoon. Figure 11a also shows similarities with the observational findings of Zuo and Zhang (2007, Fig. 1a) and Zhang and Zuo (2011, Fig. 5), indicating consistency in the anomalous rainfall pattern between the simulated and observed results. In DSM, the positive geopotential height anomalies over the whole of eastern China correspond to the descending flow over YRNC (Fig. 10b), resulting in decreasing rainfall over the whole of YRNC (Fig. 11b).

    We further calculated the net vertically integrated (1000-300 hPa) water vapor budget anomalies over southern China (20°-25°N, 105°-120°E), the Yangtze River valley (25°-35°N, 105°-120°E) and Inner Mongolia (35°-45°N, 105°-120°E) in WSM, and over YRNC in DSM, compared with CTRL. In WSM, net water vapor flux divergences are seen in southern China (-9.49× 10-7 kg s-1) and Inner Mongolia (-8.38× 10-7 kg s-1), and a net water vapor flux convergence appears in the Yangtze River valley (5.11× 10-7 kg s-1), consistent with the characteristics of rainfall anomalies. This feature verifies the weakening monsoon circulation being due to the wetter soil in spring over YRNC. In contrast, the water vapor budget anomaly over YRNC in DSM is weak (-0.72× 10-7 kg s-1), suggestive of a weak variation in the atmospheric circulation response to drier spring soil anomalies. (Douville et al., 2001) suggested that soil moisture affects monsoonal precipitation via two competing processes: (1) a recycling effect, whereby greater evaporation leads to enhanced rainfall; and (2) a dynamic effect, whereby surface evaporation cools the land surface and weakens the monsoonal flow. From the present study, it appears that the dynamic effect has a more important impact on soil moisture-precipitation feedback under high spring soil moisture conditions (i.e., as shown in WSM); whereas, the recycling effect is dominant under drier conditions (i.e., as shown in DSM). East Asian summer monsoon circulation seems insensitive to dry soil anomalies.

5. Further discussion
  • The present study shows that wet soil results in a reduced intensity of the East Asian summer monsoon via cooling of the land surface; whereas, dry soil appears to cause little change in the monsoonal circulation. These findings are consistent with the results of (Yang and Lau, 1998), who reported that Asian summer monsoon becomes weaker with increased soil moisture, but does not become stronger with reduced soil moisture. (Wei et al., 2008) also reported that a negative-dominant soil moisture-precipitation correlation pattern exhibits stronger negative correlations in wet areas than in dry areas.

    But why is it that reduced soil moisture is not followed by a strong summer monsoon? If the persistence of soil moisture in DSM was shorter than that in WSM, this may offer an explanation. However, we found that the soil moisture anomalies were larger in DSM than in WSM, in May and JJA, indicating the persistence of soil moisture anomalies was longer in DSM than in WSM (Fig. 12). Therefore, the difference in the persistence of soil moisture under dry and wet conditions cannot explain the stronger response of the Asian summer monsoon to wet soil anomalies compared with dry soil anomalies. On the other hand, the anomalous surface air temperature associated with the relatively moderate positive soil moisture in WSM in May was much larger than that associated with the relatively intense negative soil moisture in DSM (Fig. 7), which may explain the stronger response of the East Asian summer monsoon in WSM compared with that in DSM. Additionally, NCEP GCM/SSiB simulates a stronger East Asian summer monsoon circulation compared with the observation. This may be another possible cause, since a vigorous monsoon circulation is more easily weakened than strengthened via external forcing.

    Additionally, (Yang and Lau, 1998) compared the impacts of soil moisture and SST on the Asian summer monsoon, concluding that SST anomalies cause greater change. A wetter Asian continent is associated with a moderately weaker Asian summer monsoon, considered to represent the indirect impact of SST. That is, warm winter-spring SST anomalies lead to increased soil moisture across the Asian continent and indirectly weaken the Asian monsoon during the following summer. The spring climate over eastern China is significantly affected by the SST in the central and eastern Pacific (Zhang et al., 1999, Zhang and Sumi, 2002). With this in mind, we calculated the correlation coefficients between observed soil moisture and rainfall in YRNC during spring, and wintertime SST in the Niño3 area [where (Yang and Lau, 1998) reported the centers of SST anomalies]. Although a significant correlation was found to exist between wintertime SST in Niño3 and springtime rainfall in YRNC (R=0.47 for 1982-2010, exceeding the 0.05 level of significance), no significant relationship was found between SST and springtime soil moisture over YRNC (R=0.18 for 1982-2010). Therefore, the impact of soil moisture anomalies over eastern China on the East Asian summer monsoon is independent of the SST over the tropical Pacific.

6. Summary and conclusion
  • Based on observed data, (Zuo and Zhang, 2007) and (Zhang and Zuo, 2011) reported that a springtime soil moisture anomaly over YRNC is closely correlated with the East Asian summer monsoon and JJA rainfall in eastern China. In the present study, a series of numerical experiments was performed using NCEP GCM/SSiB, to investigate the sensitivity of the East Asian summer monsoon and JJA rainfall in China to soil moisture anomalies over YRNC. In addition to a control experiment with free-running soil moisture, sensitivity simulations were performed with soil moisture values double and half those in the control run.

    The results of the experiments indicated that the Asian summer monsoon responds robustly to wet soil anomalies in YRNC. Wet soil is accompanied by colder land temperature via land-atmosphere energy exchange, and the abnormally cold land surface narrows down the land-sea thermal contrast and thereby weaken the East Asian summer monsoon (weaker upper easterly monsoonal flow and low-level westerly monsoonal jet). An anomalous anticyclonic circulation covers southeastern China and thereby less rainfall occurs in the region. In the middle latitudes, wet soil anomalies are associated with a strengthened East Asian trough extending southward to Northeast China, resulting in more rainfall over Northeast China and less rainfall over North China. The abnormally strong southward East Asian trough and weakened East Asian summer monsoon circulation correspond to the convergence of northerly and southerly flow over the Yangtze River valley, conducive to more precipitation in this region.

    The rainfall in JJA in eastern China decreases with negative soil moisture anomalies in YRNC. Dry soil is associated with less latent and more sensible heat flux (i.e., higher Bowen ratios), indicating a higher boundary layer and reduced convective instability and evaporation. Little change occurs in atmospheric moisture convergence over YRNC. These factors correspond to decreasing summer rainfall in YRNC.

    We also briefly considered the correlation between tropical SST in the previous winter and springtime soil moisture in YRNC. Analysis showed that, although tropical SST has a major influence on the Asian summer monsoon, soil moisture also contributes in this regard and soil moisture-precipitation feedback reinforces that part of the monsoon not produced by SST anomalies. Nevertheless, it should be noted that, although this study was based on observed facts, it remains difficult to assess the degree to which the numerical results are model-dependent. Further investigations with more numerical simulations are undoubtedly necessary to improve understanding of soil moisture-precipitation feedback.




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