衣娜娜, 张镭, 刘卫平, 田鹏飞, 董祝雷. 2017: 西北地区气溶胶光学特性及辐射影响. 大气科学, 41(2): 409-420. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1606.15272
引用本文: 衣娜娜, 张镭, 刘卫平, 田鹏飞, 董祝雷. 2017: 西北地区气溶胶光学特性及辐射影响. 大气科学, 41(2): 409-420. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1606.15272
Nana YI, Lei ZHANG, Weiping LIU, Pengfei TIAN, Zhulei DONG. 2017: Optical Characteristics and Radiative Effects of Atmospheric Aerosol over Northwest China. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 41(2): 409-420. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1606.15272
Citation: Nana YI, Lei ZHANG, Weiping LIU, Pengfei TIAN, Zhulei DONG. 2017: Optical Characteristics and Radiative Effects of Atmospheric Aerosol over Northwest China. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 41(2): 409-420. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1606.15272


Optical Characteristics and Radiative Effects of Atmospheric Aerosol over Northwest China

  • 摘要: 利用SACOL(兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站)2006~2012年AERONET(全球气溶胶自动监测网)level 2.0和太阳短波辐射计资料,分析了中国西北地区气溶胶的光学特性与辐射影响。利用辐射传输模式SBDART(平面平行大气辐射传输模式)检验TOA(大气层顶)处辐射强迫为正的原因。BOA(地表)、TOA、Atmosphere(大气)的辐射强迫年均值分别是-59.43 W m-2、-17.03 W m-2、42.40 W m-2,AOD(光学厚度,550 nm)年均值0.37,α(波段的波长指数,440~675 nm)年均值0.91,变化趋势与AOD位相相反,当AOD为0.3~2.2时,α很小(0.0~0.2),表明粒子尺度很大。SSA(单次散射反照率,675 nm)年均值0.93,g(不对称因子,675 nm)年均值0.68,复折射指数(675 nm)实部年均值1.48,虚部0.007。复折射指数实部的年变化趋势与AOD一致,虚部与AOD反位相,所以西北地区多为粗模态散射性气溶胶。气溶胶对大气的加热率最大值出现在0~2 km,随高度递减。冬、夏半年在地表加热率分别是2.6 K d-1和0.6 K d-1;季节变化中,冬季、秋季、春季和夏季,在地表的加热率依次是2.5 K d-1、1.4 K d-1、1.2 K d-1和0.2 K d-1,主要因为秋季气溶胶的吸收性大于春季。地表反照率和SSA对TOA正辐射强迫贡献率分别是22.5%和77.5%。


    Abstract: AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) level 2.0 and CM_21 data in SACOL (Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University) for 2006-2012 were used to analyze optical properties and radiative effects of aerosols over Northwest China. Meanwhile, the reason for the positive TOA (Top of Atmosphere) radiative forcing was examined by using the SBDART (Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer). The annual averages of BOA (Bottom of Atmosphere), TOA, and atmosphere radiative forcing are-59.43 W m-2, -17.03 W m-2, and 42.40 W m-2, respectively. The annual averages of AOD (aerosol optical depth, 550 nm) and α (angstrom exponent, 440-675 nm) are 0.37 and 0.91, respectively. α and AOD have opposite phases. The α value is within 0.0-0.2, which is very small, when the AOD is within 0.3-2.2. The annual averages of SSA (single scattering albedo, 675 nm), g (asymmetry factor, 675 nm) and the real part of the complex refractive index (675 nm) are 0.93, 0.68, 1.48, respectively. The annual trend of the real part is consistent with that of AOD while that of the imaginary part is opposite to that of AOD. Thereby the coarse-particle mode aerosols that have strong scattering effects dominate Northwest China. The maximum atmospheric heating rate occurs in 0-2 km and decreases with height based on the simulations with and without aerosol effects. The heating rates in the winter half year and summer half year are 2.6 K d-1 and 0.6 K d-1 on the surface, respectively. In the four seasons, the heating rate is the largest in the winter, followed by that in the autumn and spring, and smallest in the summer with values of 2.5 K d-1, 1.4 K d-1, 1.2 K d-1, 0.2 K d-1 on the surface in the winter, autumn, spring, and summer, respectively. The absorption by aerosols is stronger in the autumn than in the spring. Contributions of the surface albedo and SSA account for 22.5% and 77.5% of the positive radiative forcing at TOA, respectively.


