孔琴心, 王庚辰, 刘广仁, 等. 1992: 大气臭氧垂直分布的电化学测量. 大气科学, 16(5): 636-640. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1992.05.16
引用本文: 孔琴心, 王庚辰, 刘广仁, 等. 1992: 大气臭氧垂直分布的电化学测量. 大气科学, 16(5): 636-640. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1992.05.16
Kong Qinxin, Wang Gengchen, Liu Guangren, et al. 1992: A electrochemical measurement of the vertical distribution of ozone in the atmosphere. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 16(5): 636-640. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1992.05.16
Citation: Kong Qinxin, Wang Gengchen, Liu Guangren, et al. 1992: A electrochemical measurement of the vertical distribution of ozone in the atmosphere. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 16(5): 636-640. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1992.05.16


A electrochemical measurement of the vertical distribution of ozone in the atmosphere

  • 摘要: 用球载电化学O_3探空仪于1990年6月20日测量了0—32km高度范围内大气臭氧的垂直分布.结果表明,大气臭氧的垂直分布具有多层次结构,在25km附近臭氧分压达最大值.从臭氧廓线推算出大气柱臭氧总含量为327.8D.U.


