房云龙, 孙菽芬, 李倩, 等. 2010: 干旱区陆面过程模型参数优化和地气相互作用特征的模拟研究. 大气科学, 34(2): 290-306. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2010.02.05
引用本文: 房云龙, 孙菽芬, 李倩, 等. 2010: 干旱区陆面过程模型参数优化和地气相互作用特征的模拟研究. 大气科学, 34(2): 290-306. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2010.02.05
FANG Yunlong, SUN Shufen, LI Qian, et al. 2010: The Optimization of Parameters of Land Surface Model in Arid Region and the Simulation of Land-Atmosphere Interaction. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 34(2): 290-306. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2010.02.05
Citation: FANG Yunlong, SUN Shufen, LI Qian, et al. 2010: The Optimization of Parameters of Land Surface Model in Arid Region and the Simulation of Land-Atmosphere Interaction. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 34(2): 290-306. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2010.02.05


The Optimization of Parameters of Land Surface Model in Arid Region and the Simulation of Land-Atmosphere Interaction

  • 摘要: 依据干旱区陆地下垫面观测结果, 对陆面过程模式Common Land Model (CoLM) 中反照率、 粗糙度长度和土壤热力性质3个方面的参数进行了优化, 并按照不同的参数组合形式设计了为加深理解干旱区地气相互作用的控制试验和研究重要参数影响的敏感性试验, 对敦煌戈壁2000年5月~2004年7月的陆面过程进行了离线 (off-line) 数值模拟分析。控制试验结果表明: 优化参数的模式在干旱区得到了更好的模拟性能, 对地表和深层土壤温度、 净短波辐射、 净长波辐射以及感热通量的模拟能力较原模式有了明显的提高。敏感性试验的结果表明: 地表温度在全年对反照率都比较敏感, 春季和夏季更为显著; 粗糙度长度和土壤热力性质分别在春夏和秋冬对地表温度有较大影响; 感热通量对反照率和粗糙度长度在夏半年比较敏感, 而土壤热力性质对感热通量的影响并不明显。对敏感性试验的结果进一步分析发现: 原模式在计算地表温度、 净辐射和感热通量的过程中存在不同形式的误差抵消的现象, 这就会掩盖模式的模拟误差, 优化参数的模式可以更好的反映干旱区地气相互作用的物理过程。针对模式输出的感热通量和地表热通量的分析发现: 感热通量的季节变化明显, 全年都有由地表向上的感热通量输送, 夏季尤为显著; 相对于感热通量而言, 潜热通量量级很小可以忽略不计。夏季, 净辐射的能量大部分以感热通量的形式返回大气, 其余的能量以地表热通量的形式进入土壤并贮存, 夏季土壤为热汇; 冬季, 夏季贮存的能量又由土壤返回大气, 此时土壤为热源。


    Abstract: Using the observed data at Dunhuang Gobi site in Northwest China, the optimum values of surface albedo, roughness length and soil thermal properties for the arid region required by the Common Land Model (CoLM) are obtained. In order to understand land-atmosphere interaction and the sensitivity of simulation outputs to different settings of the important parameters, two control tests and three sensitive tests with different combinations of the three parameters are carried out by using the forcing data collected at the same Dunhuang Gobi site from May 2000 to July 2004. The results from the control tests indicate that the CoLM with the optimum values of the parameters, here called Optimized CoLM, can simulate the land surface processes reasonably. By comparison with the observed data, it is shown that the simulations from Optimized CoLM are much more precise than those from the original CoLM, which uses default values of the parameters. The results from the sensitive tests demonstrate that: (1) Surface albedo has great influence on the ground surface temperature (TGS) all year round, especially in spring and summer; (2) the roughness length and the soil thermal properties can also affect the TGS in spring-summer and autumn-winter, respectively; (3) as to the sensible heat flux (SHF), it is more sensitive to the surface albedo and the roughness length in the summer half-year than in the winter half-year, and less sensitive to the soil thermal properties; (4) when computing the TGS, the net radiation and the SHF in the original CoLM, it is found that there exist error counteractions, which will conceal the simulation error. The reason for the phenomenon is that each default parameter will add some positive or negative errors to the simulation results, but these errors will be offset reciprocally, which make the total simulation error mitigate eventually.Analyses of the surface heat balance show that: The SHF is the major component and the latent heat flux is so small that it can be omitted; the daily-mean SHF is upward from the ground surface to atmosphere all year round, especially in summer. The big portion of net radiation returns to atmosphere in the form of SHF and the rest becomes the ground heat flux and is stored in the soil in summer, which will be released to atmosphere again in the form of SHF in winter. The soil as a heat reservoir is a heat sink in summer and a heat source in winter.


