刘郁珏, 胡非, 程雪玲, 宋宗朋. 2014: 北京城市通量足迹及源区分布特征分析. 大气科学, 38(6): 1044-1054. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2013.13237
引用本文: 刘郁珏, 胡非, 程雪玲, 宋宗朋. 2014: 北京城市通量足迹及源区分布特征分析. 大气科学, 38(6): 1044-1054. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2013.13237
LIU Yujue, HU Fei, CHENG Xueling, SONG Zongpeng. 2014: Distribution of the Source Area and Footprint of Beijing. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 38(6): 1044-1054. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2013.13237
Citation: LIU Yujue, HU Fei, CHENG Xueling, SONG Zongpeng. 2014: Distribution of the Source Area and Footprint of Beijing. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 38(6): 1044-1054. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2013.13237


Distribution of the Source Area and Footprint of Beijing

  • 摘要: 城市下垫面具有不同于其他下垫面的特殊复杂性,通量的源汇分布十分不均,导致直接测量以及定量的描述城市中水汽、二氧化碳等通量变得非常困难。涡动观测系统在城市通量观测中得到广泛应用,但由于涡动协方差观测系统传感器都架设在一定的高度上,其测量结果只反映特定点下垫面或某部分下垫面的物理过程,不能说明观测结果是否具有下垫面属性的代表性,无法反映观测通量的空间变异性。足迹函数(Footprint)的产生就是为了解决这一问题,其又称源权重函数,是描述近地面层表面源或汇的空间分布和仪器观测通量值之间关系的函数。本文采用北京325 m气象塔近1年7层涡动协方差观测数据、超声数据,分析了不同风向、不同稳定度、不同高度下足迹函数所表达的通量贡献区域范围的变化规律。结果表明,在大气稳定条件下时,通量贡献区范围的大小与主风向无显著差异,而不稳定条件下计算结果与主风向无关。在不同高度下所有稳定条件下通量贡献区范围要大于不稳定条件,中性条件则介于两者之间。8 m、16 m高度上的观测结果不能完全代表城市下垫面通量贡献区,47 m以上能够代表城市下垫面通量贡献区,280 m则已经包含了郊区和城区的权重平均。同一大气稳定度条件下,高度越高通量贡献区范围越大,90%通量贡献区范围与观测高度成线性关系,这种线性关系可以预测没有观测高度或者更高处的通量贡献区范围。


    Abstract: Unlike forest, grassland, farmland, and other underlying surfaces, the urban underlying surface is especially complex. Quantification of the urban flux is difficult because of the complex morphological nature of the urban ecosystem. The uneven arrangement of emission sources and sinks also causes measurement to be challenging. Advances in instrumentation, notably the eddy covariance (EC) technique, offer a tool for the direct measurement of representative flux data in urban areas. However, in most urban flux experiments, EC sensors are installed at a certain height, so the measurement results can only reflect the physical processes of a specific point or part of the underlying surface, and spatial representation has become a problem that cannot be ignored. Scalar flux footprint estimation was created to solve this problem. In this study, we used seven levels of EC data from the Beijing 325 m meteorology tower. The source areas and footprint were examined at different heights and in different wind directions under stable, neutral, and unstable conditions. We found that under stable conditions, the source area has a strong relationship with the upwind direction, but there is no such relationship under unstable conditions. The source area is much larger under stable conditions than under unstable conditions for the same height. Measurement data at 8 and 16 m cannot represent the flux of the urban underlying surface, but data from 47 m and higher can represent this flux, and data from 280 m represent the suburban and urban average. For conditions of the same stability, the source area becomes larger as the height increases. In addition, we obtained a linear relationship between measurement height and source area. This linear relationship is useful for evaluating the flux source area of other heights.


