乐旭, 王会军. 2009: CCM3/NCAR的辐射方案在IAP-AGCM模式中的应用. 大气科学, 33(1): 16-28. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2009.01.02
引用本文: 乐旭, 王会军. 2009: CCM3/NCAR的辐射方案在IAP-AGCM模式中的应用. 大气科学, 33(1): 16-28. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2009.01.02
YUE Xu, WANG Huijun. 2009: The Application of the CCM3/NCAR Radiation Scheme in IAP-AGCM. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 33(1): 16-28. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2009.01.02
Citation: YUE Xu, WANG Huijun. 2009: The Application of the CCM3/NCAR Radiation Scheme in IAP-AGCM. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 33(1): 16-28. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2009.01.02


The Application of the CCM3/NCAR Radiation Scheme in IAP-AGCM

  • 摘要: 利用NCAR的CCM3 (The Community Climate Model version 3) 辐射模块, 对IAP9L-AGCM的辐射计算方案进行了替换, 并对改进的结果做了细致的评估。分析表明, 新版本的模式在大多数辐射场的空间平均和分布型的模拟上有了较为明显的改进, 特别是较好地克服了原模式中陆面净辐射场的偏差。在此基础上, 新版本计算的大气温度普遍升高。伴随这种变化, 模式中的海平面气压、 地表温度、 位势高度、 风场、 降水、 比湿等物理量都有了调整, 但是变化并不明显, 从而对模式的进一步发展和完善提出了新的要求。


    Abstract: The old radiation scheme in IAP9L-AGCM is replaced by a new one from the CCM3/NCAR codes. And the effects of such modification are evaluated in detail. It shows that there are many improvements in the simulated radiation fields from the new version of IAP9L-AGCM, especially some net radiation fields at the surface. As a result, there is a prevalent enhancement of the atmospheric temperature in the new version. Other fields, such as sea level pressure, surface air temperature, geopotential height, wind field, precipitation, specific humidity and so on, show some corresponding changes, though the magnitudes are not large. The evaluation results put forward the requirement of a further improvement of the IAP9L-AGCM.


