

Properties of Hail Events and Spectrum Distribution during 2018–2023 in Honghe, Yunnan

  • 摘要: 云贵高原是我国冰雹天气的高发区,但冰雹特征的相关研究比较少。利用2018–2023年云南南部红河州13个国家气象站观测的60个冰雹日的93份分钟级降水粒子谱数据,研究了该地区冰雹日数、大小、持续时间、类型及谱分布的年、季节、日变化和地理分布特征。研究结果表明,云南红河地区6年平均冰雹日数为10 d,最多日数为24 d,最少日数仅为3 d。年均最大冰雹直径范围为9–16 mm,平均降雹持续时间为2–5 min;冰雹日数存在明显的季节、日变化特征,春季冰雹最多,6年总计达到33天,占总冰雹日数的50 %以上,秋季最少。冰雹主要发生在午后和傍晚;冰雹谱总体呈单峰分布,最大冰雹粒径达到19 mm,且以高密度冰雹为主,低密度冰雹和霰粒子均很少;冰雹存在明显的地理分布特征,红河州西部、南部冰雹日数最多,且以高密度冰雹为主,霰粒子和低密度雹少。由此可见,云南红河地区冰雹主要发生在春季,午后和傍晚最多,持续时间短,以高密度小冰雹粒子为主,低密度冰雹和霰粒子少。


    Abstract: The Yunnan-Kweichow Plateau is one of regions with high frequent hail events in China, however, the relevant studies on hail properties are few. On basis of 93 minus-level spectrum data collected from 60 hail events by 13 national meteorological stations in Honghe, southern Yunnan during 2018–2023, the annual, seasonal, daily and geographic distributions of the number of hail days, hail size and hailfall duration, as well as hail type and spectrum distribution are investigated in this study. Results show that the annual mean number of hail days was 10 d, with a maximum number of 24 d and minimum number of 3 d. The annual mean maximum hail size was 9–16 mm, and hailfall duration was 2–5 min. The number of hail days had apparent seasonal and diurnal variations. The number of hail days was 33 d in spring for six years, which accounted for more than 50 % in 60 d in total during this period, and least in autumn. The number of hail days mainly occurred in the afternoon and evening. The overall hail spectrum distribution was unimodal. There were higher hail number concentrations in spring and summer seasons with the maximum hail size of 19 mm in diameter, and was dominated by high-density hail. There was very low amount of low-density hail and graupel. Hail events had apparent geographic distribution properties. The western and southern subregions had the highest number of hail days, which was dominated by high-density hail and graupel and low-density hail were few. Therefore, hail events in the honghe region, Yunnan primarily occurred in spring and in the afternoon and evening. Hail events had short duration and were dominated by high-density small-sized hail. There was very low concentration in low-density hail and graupel.


