

Possible connection between increased precipitation in May in Jiangnan and accelerated warming of Southern Tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature

  • 摘要: 基于1980年以来江南5月降水量整体呈上升趋势的事实,本文以1980–2021年江南5月降水为研究对象,采用CPC(Climate Prediction Center)降水、NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction)大气环流以及Hadley中心海表面温度等数据资料,分析了江南5月降水趋势变化并进行水汽收支诊断,最后讨论了可能的物理过程。结果表明,江南5月降水动力分量较热力分量大一个量级,两者在1980–2005年均无明显趋势变化,而在2006–2021年均呈显著增长趋势。南热带印度洋5月海表面温度异常(sea surface temperature anomaly, SSTA)在2001年后加速增暖,与同期西北太平洋异常反气旋(Northwest Pacific anomalous anticyclone, WNPAC)建立起显著正相关关系。5月WNPAC趋势自2004年开始由显著减弱转为显著增强,并自2005年开始与江南5月降水异常增多建立显著相关关系。与WNPAC相关的南热带印度洋暖SSTA自2月维持至5月,5月WNPAC增强同时,南热带印度洋上空异常对流向东发展,产生的上升气流随Hadley环流在菲律宾海、南海以及中南半岛一带上空下沉,形成较1980–2005年更明显的对流偶极子结构。下沉气流使WNPAC增强,促进水汽向江南地区输送,江南5月异常降水热力分量增加。WNPAC增强后,其活动区域与江南地区之间上空的次级环流圈更为紧密,江南地区抬升作用增强,江南5月异常降水动力分量增加。与江南5月异常降水增多相关的南热带印度洋暖SSTA自2006年开始从3月维持到5月,WNPAC在其中起到纽带作用。若去除趋势变化,2006年以来南热带印度洋SSTA难以通过WNPAC影响到江南5月降水异常变化。


    Abstract: Based on the fact that the overall trend of precipitation in May in Jiangnan has been upward since 1980, this paper takes the precipitation in May in Jiangnan from 1980 to 2021 as the research object, and uses the data of CPC (Climate Prediction Center) precipitation, NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) atmospheric circulation, and Hadley center sea surface temperature to analyze the precipitation trend characteristics in May in Jiangnan, diagnose the water vapor budget, and finally discuss the possible physical processes. The results indicate that the dynamic component of precipitation in Jiangnan in May is one order of magnitude larger than the thermal component, and both of them have no obvious trend change from 1980 to 2005, but show significant increase trends from 2006 to 2021. The Southern Tropical Indian Ocean (STIO) sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) in May has begun to warm at an accelerated pace since 2001, establishing a significant positive correlation with the Northwest Pacific anomalous anticyclone (WNPAC). Since 2004, the trend of WNAPAC in May has changed from significant weakening to significant strengthening, and in 2005 it has been significantly correlated with the abnormal increase of precipitation in Jiangnan in May, and the warm SSTA of southern tropical India associated with WNAPAC has lasted from February to May. Since 2006, while the WNAPAC has intensified, the anomalous convection over the STIO has developed eastward, and the resulting updraft has sunk over the Philippine Sea, the South China Sea and the Indochina Peninsula with the Hadley Circulation, forming a more pronounced convective dipole structure than in 1980–2005. The downdraft has strengthened the WNPAC, which has promoted the transport of water vapor to Jiangnan, and the thermal component of the anomalous precipitation in Jiangnan in May has increased. After the enhancement of WNPAC, the secondary circulation between the active area of WNPAC and Jiangnan is more compact, the uplift of Jiangnan is enhanced, and the dynamic component of anomalous precipitation increases. The STIO warm SSTA, which is associated with the increase in abnormal precipitation in Jiangnan in May, has been maintained from March to May since 2006, and WNAPAC has played a role as a link. If the trends change are removed, it is difficult for the SSTA in STIO to affect the abnormal precipitation in Jiangnan in May through WNAPAC since 2006.


