

Vertical Structures and Temporal Variations of Clouds over the Mountainous Area of Fujian, China

  • 摘要: 云的观测和研究对数值模式发展、气候变化评估和人工影响天气等都至关重要,为进一步认识我国东南沿海山地地区的云结构特征和时间变化,本文利用福建北部建瓯地区2019~2022年的Ka波段毫米波云雷达观测资料,研究了该地区云发生率、垂直结构和参数的季节变化及日变化特征,并从水汽和热动力条件对观测的特征和差异进行了成因探讨。结果表明:(1)整体上,春季的云发生率最高,夏冬季依次随后,秋季最低;春夏季以低云和高云为主,秋冬季则以低云和中云为主。(2)春夏季的高云回波整体比低云更强,夏季云冰相层和液相层的回波都最强,春秋季依次随后,冬季最弱;夏季的云底高度和云顶高度都最高、云层最厚、云层间隙也最大,春秋季的依次随后,而冬季的云层则最低、最薄、间隙最小。(3)不同季节云垂直结构和参数的日变化特征显著,但也存在差异。相比春季,夏季对流启动更早、生命期更长、更为强烈,使得各个云参数在午后增大幅度和持续时间也更长。秋冬季逐时的云发生率、强度和其他云参数都低于春夏季,但秋季云的日变化趋势和夏季相似,冬季云的日变化趋势与春季相似。(4)该地区平均比湿、水平风场和对流有效位能的季节和日变化与云雷达观测的云相关变化特征都有很好的正相关。


    Abstract: The observation and study of clouds are of great importance for the development of numerical models, climate change estimation, weather modification, etc. To advance the understanding of structural characteristics and temporal variations of clouds in the mountainous areas along the southeast coast of China, observations from a ground-based Ka-band millimeter-wave cloud radar deployed in Jian"ou of northern Fujian, China, between 2019 and 2022, were utilized to study the characteristics, seasonal patterns, and diurnal variations of cloud occurrences, vertical structures, and parameters in this area. Additionally, the causes underlying these observed characteristics and variations are also discussed from atmospheric water vapor and thermodynamic conditions. The findings indicate that: (1) Cloud occurrence exhibits seasonal variations, with the highest occurrence observed during spring, followed by summer and winter, and the lowest during autumn. Low and high clouds dominate during spring and summer, whereas low and mid-level clouds are predominant during autumn and winter. (2) Radar reflectivity factors of high clouds are generally larger than those of low clouds during spring and summer. In summer, both ice-phase and liquid-phase cloud layers exhibit the largest radar reflectivity factors, followed by spring and autumn, and the smallest reflectivity factors are observed during winter. Cloud base height and top height are highest during summer, followed by spring and autumn, respectively, while they are lowest during winter. The thickest cloud layer and largest cloud gap distance also occur during summer, followed by spring and autumn, respectively, whereas the thinnest cloud layer and smallest cloud gap distance are observed during winter. (3) Diurnal variations in cloud vertical structures and parameters are significant in different seasons, and their differences are also apparent. Compared to spring, summer exhibits earlier and stronger convection activities and a longer lifespan, resulting in larger and longer-lasting variations in cloud parameters during the afternoon. Diurnal variations in cloud occurrence, intensity, and other cloud parameters are less pronounced during autumn and winter compared to spring and summer. However, the diurnal variation trend of clouds in autumn is similar to that in summer, while the diurnal variation trend of clouds in winter is similar to that in spring. (4) Average specific humidity, horizontal wind field, and convective available potential energy show significant positive correlations with the seasonal and diurnal variations in cloud radar-observed cloud-related changes in the local area.


