

Observational Analysis and Numerical Simulation of a Heavy Rainfall Event in Sichuan Province

  • 摘要: 本文首先利用多种资料,对2010年8月18~19日四川地区一次引发了泥石流次生灾害的暴雨天气过程开展了观测分析,进一步利用中尺度模式WRF对此次降水过程开展了高分辨率数值模拟,并利用模拟资料对暴雨过程进行了初步诊断分析。结果指出:(1)此次暴雨过程具有强降水持续时间短、短时降水强度大、局地性强等特点,在空间和时间上都具有明显中尺度特征;强降水主要发生在汶川—雅安断裂带陡峭地形附近,与地形关系密切;(2)中高纬度“两脊一槽”环流形势及其缓慢变化、副热带高压(简称副高)与高压脊叠加形成“东高西低”形势,为此次暴雨天气过程提供了有利的大尺度条件;西南涡的发展加强及其与副高西侧边缘强风速带的相互作用,增强了川西陡峭地形的抬升效应,促发暴雨发生;而四川盆地中多个中尺度云团的发生、发展与暴雨的发生直接相关;(3)WRF模式较好地模拟再现了此次降水过程,模拟结果初步诊断分析显示,在四川盆地复杂地形及大尺度环流背景发展和演变的影响下,稳定层结盖的进退、低层东南风的加强和减弱以及不稳定能量的累积与释放控制着暴雨过程的发生与结束。


    Abstract: A variety of data are used to analysis and diagnose torrential rain during August 18 and 19, 2010, which brought secondary disasters such as debris flows. By using the nonhydrostatic WRF (weather research forecast) model, this torrential rain is simulated in high resolution, and the simulation data are used to make a preliminary diagnosis of this rainfall. The results show that: (1) This torrential rain event was characterized by its short duration, heavy intensity in short-term precipitation, and localization, all of which show mesoscale features spatially and temporally. Heavy rain closely associated with the terrain mainly occurs in the vicinity of the Wenchuan-Yaan fault zone steep terrain.(2)There exist two ridges in a trough atmospheric circulation pattern in the middle and high latitudes. The same phase super-position of the northwest subtropical high and an anticyclonic ridge form typical weather patterns with high pressure to the east and low pressure to the west. These systems, spreading eastward slowly, provide a favorable large scale circulation situation for precipitation processes. The development of a southwest vortex and its interaction with the strong wind belt of the subtropical high western edge strengthen the upward-effect of the western Sichuan steep terrain and contribute to the occurrence of heavy rain. The occurrence, development, merger, and strengthening of several mesoscale cloud clusters in the Sichuan basin is directly related to the occurrence of heavy rain. (3) The WRF model successfully simulates the precipitation process, and our analysis of the simulation results indicates that, under the influence of the development and evolution of the large scale circulation background, the movement of a stable stratification cover, the development or decrease of lower southeast wind, and the accumulation and release of unstable energy dominate the formation and cessation of precipitation.


