

General Analysis of Project Review in Meteorological Joint Fund in 2021

  • 摘要: 2020年,国家自然科学基金委员会和中国气象局签署协议共同出资设立气象联合基金,备受大气科学界的广泛关注。2021年,气象联合基金项目指南首次发布,项目评审顺利完成。气象联合基金共接收申请71项,受理69项,资助14项重点支持项目,资助率20.3%,平均资助强度264.6万元/项,项目年均资助强度(66.2万元/年)超过了地球科学部常规重点项目。为优化组织管理方式,气象联合基金管理委员会特设立学术指导专家组,加强气象联合基金的顶层设计,充分发挥科学家在资助决策和管理工作中的重要作用。针对申请量不均衡、少数申请书科研代表作不实等问题,气象联合基金管理委员会拟通过多种渠道加强政策宣传,提高申请质量,汇聚优势科研力量,助力气象科技事业高质量发展。


    Abstract: In 2020, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and China Meteorological Administration signed an agreement to establish the Meteorological Joint Fund, which has attracted extensive attention in the atmospheric science community. In 2021, the program guide of the fund was released for the first time, and its review was completed. The NSFC received 71 applications with 69 eligible applications, and funded 14 key supporting projects, with a success rate of 20.3%. The average funding intensity was 2.646 million CNY for each funded program. The average annual funding intensity was 662,000 CNY/a, exceeding that of the conventional key programs of the Department of Earth Sciences, NSFC. To optimize the organization and management and strengthen the role of scientists in fund management, the Meteorological Joint Fund Management Committee (MJFMC) has specially established an academic guidance expert group to strengthen the top-level design of the fund. In response to the imbalance in application amounts among different host institutions and the scientific research integrity of representative works in a few applications, the MJFMC plans to strengthen policy publicity in various ways, improve application quality, attract advantageous scientific research groups, and promote the high-quality development of meteorological science and technology.


