

Statistical Characteristics of Blocking Highs and Their Modulation on the Surface Air Temperature during Stratospheric Northern Annular Mode Events

  • 摘要: 本文利用1979~2020年ERA5逐日再分析数据,分析了在平流层北半球环状模(NAM)正负事件中,阻塞高压(简称阻高)发生及其调制地面温度异常型的统计特征。结果表明,北半球的四个阻高系统分别趋于在NAM事件的不同阶段发生,其中格陵兰阻高(GB)和北太平洋阻高(NPB)更趋于出现在正NAM事件的发展阶段和负NAM事件的衰减阶段,乌拉尔山阻高(UB)多出现在正NAM事件的衰减阶段和负NAM事件的发展阶段,而大西洋–欧洲阻高(AEB)则多发生在正、负NAM事件的衰减阶段。尽管NAM事件过程中有阻高发生的天数远少于无阻高发生的天数,但阻高的存在对平流层NAM影响下的地面温度异常空间型有显著的调制作用,特别是在正NAM事件中,GB的出现可导致欧亚大陆从整体偏暖或北暖—南冷型变为北冷—南暖型,同时导致北美大陆从整体偏冷或北冷—南暖型变为北暖—南冷型;此外在负NAM事件衰减阶段出现的UB,不仅可导致欧亚大陆的北冷—南暖型反转为北暖—南冷型,亦可使北美大陆由北暖—南冷型转为南暖—北冷型。相比之下,AEB和NPB两阻高发生时地面温度异常型多由平流层NAM的影响所主导,即阻高的调制作用并不显著。在NAM影响以及各阻高的协同作用下,从正NAM事件峰值至负NAM事件发展阶段,整个中纬度地区欧亚大陆偏冷、北美偏暖;从负NAM事件衰减阶段至正NAM事件的初始阶段则相反;两大陆地区的温度异常多呈中—高纬南北反位相变化特征。本文进一步通过蒙特卡洛随机取样检验,证实了上述关于阻高调制地面温度异常型的结论。


    Abstract: In this paper, the statistical characteristics of blocking highs and their modulation on surface air temperature anomalies (SATAs) at 2m during stratospheric northern annular mode (NAM) events are analyzed using the 1979–2020 ERA5 daily reanalysis data. The results show four blocking highs tend to occur in the northern hemisphere during different stages of NAM events. Greenland blocking (GB) and North Pacific blocking (NPB) occur frequently during the development stage of positive NAM events and the decay stage of negative NAM events. Meanwhile, Ural blocking (UB) tends to occur in the decay stage of positive NAM events and the development stage of negative NAM events. Finally, Atlantic–Europe blocking (AEB) is more likely to occur in the decay stage of positive and negative NAM events. Although the number of days with blocking highs is considerably lower than that without blocking highs during NAM events, blocking highs have a considerable modulation effect on the spatial SATA pattern, which is related to NAM events. In particular, when GB occurs during positive NAM events, the SATAs in Eurasia change from “overall warm” or “north warm–south cold” to “north cold–south warm” in the extratropics, whereas those in North America change from “overall cold” or “north cold–south warm” to “north warm–south cold.” UB in the decay stage of negative NAM events reverses the SATA pattern from “north cold–south warm” to “north warm–south cold” in Eurasia and from “north warm–south cold” to “south warm–north cold” in North America. Meanwhile, AEB and NPB have minimal modulation effect on the spatial SATA patterns in most stages of NAM events; that is, the spatial SATA patterns are mainly dominated by NAM events. Under the influence of the NAM and modulation of blocking high, Eurasia is colder and North America is warmer in the mid-latitude regions from the peak stage of positive NAM events to the developing stage of negative NAM events, while opposite trends are observed from the decay stage of negative NAM events to the initial stage of positive NAM events. The dominant SATA patterns in Eurasia and North America follow the South–North dipole pattern between mid- and high-latitude areas during NAM events. These conclusions are verified using the Monte Carlo random sampling test.


