Short-wavelength radar excels in observing the microphysical properties of cloud particles, a vital component of the global water cycle. It is a powerful device for cloud detection. This paper briefly reviews the theoretical foundation of short-wave cloud radar detection. By leveraging the basic principle of radar detection and the electromagnetic scattering theory of small particles, we have established a radar forward model (radar simulation package, RSP). This model is designed for multiwavelength radars and different cloud particle types. The RSP is used to simulate and analyze the detection capabilities of three short-wave radars: X band (9.5 GHz, 3 cm), Ka band (35 GHz, 8 mm), and W band (94 GHz, 3 mm). Compared with the Rayleigh method, the RSP method proves to be reliable and accurate. Through simulation results generated by the RSP, we have established a power-law relationship between liquid water content (LWC) and radar reflectivity factor (
Ze), as well as between effective particle radius (
re) and
Ze. Furthermore, we have developed a retrieval method for average LWC. This method uses the
Ze difference between two wavelengths at the base and top of the cloud. We have discussed methods of using various radar parameters to extract the microphysical parameters of liquid cloud droplets. These methods provide an accurate theoretical understanding of cloud characteristics as detected by multiwavelength radars. The RSP serves as an analysis tool for simulating radar detection and inverting cloud microphysical parameters.