

Regionalization of the Boundary-Layer Height and its Dominant Influence Factors in Summer over China

  • 摘要: 中国区域下垫面复杂且边界层热力和动力影响因子众多,目前缺乏对全国范围内边界层高度及其影响因子的综合分析。本文基于2012~2016年L波段高分辨率探空资料,采用K-prototypes算法结合12个可能影响因子将中国夏季边界层高度进行了聚类分析,以探讨中国夏季边界层高度的区域性特征和主要影响因子。结果表明,中国区域100个站点08、14、20时(北京时,下同)的边界层高度均可划分为东北、东南、西北和西南4个区域。在此基础上,分析了三个不同时次不同区域边界层高度的主要影响因子,并探究这些因子影响不同热力状态下边界层发展的可能机理。结果表明:稳定边界层早(08时)、晚(20时)的发展主要受风速湍流动力作用的影响,而中午14时的发展与间歇性湍流作用密切相关。中性和对流边界层的发展在早上也主要受风速的驱动,而在中午则主要受较高地表温度和较大地表净辐射通量所引起的湍流热力作用驱动。此外,东北地区的云量和比湿、东南地区的潜热通量、西北地区的感热通量和比湿、西南地区的感热通量和土壤湿度也会通过对热力湍流的直接或间接影响,从而影响该区域中性和对流边界层的发展。晚上,由于东西时差的影响,在东部地区,风速开始成为中性和对流边界层高度的主要影响因子,而西部地区边界层高度的主要影响因子仍为热力因子。值得注意的是,北部地区的叶面积指数可以通过植被蒸腾作用改变比湿,从而影响边界层的发展;东北地区地表气压的变化可以通过影响气流的上升和下沉运动从而影响边界层的发展。


    Abstract: The underlying surface is complex in China, and there are numerous factors that drive the boundary layer. At present, the boundary-layer height and factors influencing it throughout China lack a comprehensive analysis. This paper uses the K-prototypes algorithm to cluster the boundary-layer height and its twelve possible factors and studies the regional features of the boundary-layer height and its dominant factors in summer over China based on high-resolution radiosonde measurements from the China radiosonde network during 2012–2016. The results show that the boundary-layer height of 100 stations at 0800 BJT (Beijing time), 1400 BJT, and 2000 BJT can be divided into four regions: northeastern China, southeastern China, northwestern China, and southwestern China. Accordingly, this paper analyzes the dominant factors of the boundary-layer height in different regions at different times and studies the possible mechanism by which these factors affect boundary-layer development under different thermodynamic conditions. The results suggest that the development of a stable boundary layer is mainly affected by the turbulent dynamics of wind speed at 0800 BJT and 2000 BJT and is closely related to intermittent turbulence at 1400 BJT. Furthermore, the development of the neutral and convective boundary layers is mainly driven by wind speed in the morning, while at noon it is mainly driven by turbulent thermal caused by higher surface temperature and larger net surface radiation flux. Moreover, the cloud amount and specific humidity in the northeastern China, latent heat flux in the southeastern China, sensible heat flux and specific humidity in the northwestern China, and sensible heat flux and soil moisture in the southwestern China can affect the development of the neutral and convective boundary layers through direct or indirect effects on thermal turbulence. At night, because of the time difference, wind speed tends to be the main factor influencing the neutral and convective boundary-layer heights in eastern China, while thermal factors may still be the main factors in western China. In addition, the leaf area index in northern China regulates the specific humidity through vegetation transpiration, and the specific humidity can affect the boundary-layer height by regulating the surface energy distribution. Finally, the surface pressure can affect the development of the nocturnal boundary layer in northeastern China by influencing the ascending and descending airflow movements.


