

Research Directions and Keywords under the Secondary Application Codes of the Atmospheric Sciences Discipline of the National Natural Science Foundation of China: D0504 Atmospheric Dynamics

  • 摘要: 2019年以来,大气学科作为试点率先开展了国家自然科学基金委员会推动的项目分类评审改革和学科资助布局优化,通过战略研究与研讨形成了以“分支学科”“支撑技术”和“发展领域”三大类、共15个二级申请代码为主要架构的学科资助体系,并对各二级申请代码的下设研究方向和关键词进行了系统梳理和分析,经过三年实施和不断优化形成了当前的版本。“D0504大气动力学”二级申请代码在此次改革中的名称保持不变,但内涵和范畴有一定变化,主要表现为随着学科的进步,传统“动力学”与“物理过程”之间的界限正在变得模糊且发生变化,大气动力学的内涵也相应地扩展到许多以往被认为是“物理过程”的领域;同时,大气动力学的研究范畴也正从单纯的研究大气自身的动力学问题扩展到研究大气与其他圈层相互作用中的动学问题,其研究手段也从以实验研究、理论分析和简化模型模拟为主转向实验研究、事实分析、理论分析和不同复杂程度模型模拟的紧密结合。为了服务基金项目申请和评审,推动学科进一步发展,本文针对调整后的“D0504大气动力学”二级申请代码,对其含义、范畴、研究方向和关键词的设置逻辑等进行解读说明,并对2020~2022年申请书中的关键词使用情况进行简要分析。


    Abstract: Since 2019, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has been actively promoting scientific fund reform in the new era. In light of this, NSFC’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences took the lead in carrying out the reform of project review classification to help optimize the layout of discipline funding and formed the new application code system through strategic research and discussion. The new system is made up of 15 secondary application codes divided into three categories: sub-disciplines, supporting technologies, and development fields. As a result, the research directions and keywords of each secondary application code were also redesigned, implemented, and continuously optimized. The secondary application code “D0504 Atmospheric Dynamics” retains its name unchanged in this reform, but its connotation and scope have been slightly widened. One notable development is that the boundary between traditionally accepted “dynamics” and “physical processes” is becoming fuzzy and changing, which leads to a widening of the connotation of atmospheric dynamics to many fields previously considered “physical processes”. Meanwhile, the scope of atmospheric dynamics is also expanding from simply investigating the dynamics of the atmosphere to examining the dynamics of the atmosphere’s interactions with other spheres. Its research methods are also changing, from experimental research, theoretical analysis, and numerical simulations with simplified models to experimental research, fact analysis, theoretical analysis, and numerical simulations with hierarchical models. In order to serve the application and review of proposals and promote the development of the discipline, this paper interprets the essence, scope, and logic of the research directions and keywords of the secondary application code “D0504 Atmospheric Dynamics”. It also briefly analyzes the application data under the secondary application code to demonstrate how the keywords were used during 2020–2022.


