

Fusion and Test of Wind Data from the China–France Oceanography Satellite Scatterometer

  • 摘要: 单一的海面风场资料存在观测点稀少、分布不均匀或难以覆盖全球等问题,利用多源风场资料进行融合,实现快速标准网格化,一方面可有效覆盖海面,另一方面可提升风场业务化精度。为了促进以我国自主可控散射计风场资料为主的多源海面风场融合效果提升,本文收集了四种海面风场资料:浮标、船舶报、ASCAT散射计反演风场以及国产中法海洋卫星散射计(CSCAT)反演风场资料,并进行了相关的融合试验与验证。首先对比验证CSCAT散射计风场资料质量,再利用时空加权插值法和最优插值法,以CSCAT散射计资料为核心,辅以其他风场资料进行日平均全球风场融合与3 h区域风场融合,最后对融合风场进行了质量检验。试验结果表明:CSCAT散射计风场资料在数据准确度及数据稳定性上略逊于ASCAT散射计;散射计风与船舶报两种资料融合后的全球风场可以满足一定的业务化精度需求;最优插值法更适合应用于太平洋海域,时空加权插值法更适合应用于印度洋海域,在大西洋海域两种方法融合效果相近;时空加权与最优插值集成方法下的3 h区域融合风场质量较全球日平均风场更高。本融合方法实现简便、运算快捷、融合数据可靠,特别是在观测极端稀疏区域,可为需求部门快速获取高分辨率海面标准网格化风场提供一定参考。


    Abstract: Single-sea-surface wind data have problems such as observation scarcity, uneven distribution, and difficulty covering the earth. Multisource wind data are fused to achieve grid continuity, effectively covering the sea surface and improving operational accuracy. In order to promote the improvement of the fusion effect of multi-source sea surface wind field data mainly based on China’s independently controllable scatterometer wind field data, four types of sea surface wind data were collected herein: buoy, ship report, ASCAT (Advanced Scatterometer), and CSCAT (China–France Oceanography satellite scatterometer) wind data, and relevant fusion experiments and verifications were conducted. The quality of the CSCAT wind data was compared and verified, and then the time–space weighted interpolation and optimal interpolation methods were used. Using CSCAT data as the core and supplementing it with other wind data, daily average global wind data fusion and three-hour regional wind data fusion were performed. Then, the quality of the fusion wind was inspected. The results show that the accuracy and stability of the CSCAT data are slightly lower than those of the ASCAT data. After fusing the two data types, the wind field can meet certain operational accuracy requirements. The optimal interpolation method is more suitable for the Pacific Ocean, while the spatio-temporal weighted interpolation method is more suitable for the Indian Ocean. In the Atlantic Ocean, the effects of both methods are similar. The 3-hour regional wind field quality obtained through the integrated spatio-temporal weighted and optimal interpolation methods is higher than that of the daily averaged global wind field. This method is simple to implement, and the fusion data are reliable. In particular, in sparsely observed areas, they can provide a reference for quickly obtaining the high-resolution standardized gridded wind fields over the sea.


