

Study of the Cloud Microphysical Process and Mechanisms of Movement and Propagation of a Dry Downburst

  • 摘要: 本文使用风廓线雷达、跑道自动观测及多普勒天气雷达等观测资料,对2020年5月14日半干旱地区兰州的一次弱天气尺度强迫下的干下击暴流(简称“5.14”)过程的发生和演变特征进行了分析;应用中尺度数值模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)对该次过程的形成、移动及辐散出流区上空的水凝物演变特征进行了模拟,探讨了“5.14”过程外流传播的可能机制。结果表明:“5.14”过程的生命期约为30 min,云顶高度在9 km以上。在云体移向后侧3~6 km高度,同时出现突发性干冷空气急流侵入,云体断裂,云顶崩塌,动量下传和中低空1~4 km高度辐散出流急流,是下击暴流外流发生的可能原因。雪晶碰撞过冷云滴使之冻结合并,形成了下沉及外流区域的云中霰粒子均快速增长,模拟的霰粒子混合比在下击暴流暴发时增大了105倍;下沉区霰粒子加速了云中冷池的形成,是激发强下沉气流的原因之一。随着云体的移动,强下沉气流在地面上产生辐散出流,和相邻的辐散出流间交汇引起气流间的辐合上升运动,在云体移动方向前沿的下沉气流两侧形成两个气流上升区;随着干冷入流急流的深入,在云体移动方向激发出两个垂直环流,垂直环流由一支云内上升气流与一支紧邻的湿下沉气流相伴而成。垂直环流中的湿下沉气流在近地面形成冷池扩散促使了下击暴流的暴发,激发阵风锋。阵风锋向下击暴流辐散中心的外流方向扩散,阵风锋前的暖湿上升气流有利于新生单体合并进原风暴,风暴发展加强,随着阵风锋推进切断了暖湿上升气流导致重冷云顶下沉,云顶的不断上冲和崩溃形成了下击暴流的外流传播过程。阵风锋前的上升气流输送的雨滴粒子在0°C温度层附近冻结,冻结过程中释放的热量导致外流传播过程中0°C温度层不断升高,云中下沉的霰粒子融化层升高,融化后形成的雨滴粒子在下落过程中的蒸发层增大,霰粒子融化吸热及雨水在下降过程中蒸发吸热使得近地面冷池不断增强导致地面风速在辐散传播过程中加大,是下击暴流外流传播中地面大风形成的重要原因。另一方面,上升气流通过凝结作用加热大气加强上升运动。下沉气流的发展有助于形成和维持对流特征环流及冷池。下击暴流形成后,在云体移动方向上不断形成的垂直闭合环流是下击暴流辐散中心的移动机制,由于地面冷池外流的辐合抬升作用,移动方向的上升气流区范围不断增大,垂直闭合环流受到上升气流区阻挡无法新生,同时由于云体东移,维持下击暴流垂直闭合环流结构中水凝物的循环减弱使垂直闭合环流结构消散,导致下击暴流辐散中心减弱消亡。与以往研究相比较,本次干下击暴流发生时也出现了云体后侧入流急流、雷达回波反射率因子核下降、动量下传、霰粒子含水量大及水凝物融化蒸发过程吸热形成冷池等特征,但此次干下击暴流辐散中心有明显的垂直闭合环流,是下击暴流辐散中心的启动和维持机制,同时下击暴流辐散中心与阵风锋的形成密切相关,而阵风锋过程是造成此次干下击暴流的外流传播形成地面大风的主要原因。


    Abstract: In this study, we conducted an analysis of the occurrence and evolution characteristics of a dry downburst event under weak synoptic forcing, hereinafter referred to as “5.14,” in the semiarid region of Lanzhou on May 14, 2020. We used observational data from wind profile radar, runway automatic observation, and Doppler weather radar. We then employed the mesoscale numerical model WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) to simulate the formation, movement, and evolution of the hydrocondensates over the divergence outflow area during the “5.14” event. Furthermore, we explored the potential mechanisms behind the outflow propagation of the “5.14” event. Our results revealed that the “5.14” event had a duration of approximately 30 min, with cloud tops reaching heights exceeding 9 km. Several factors were identified as possible causes of the outflow of the downburst, i.e., the sudden intrusion of a dry cold air jet at altitudes of 3–6 km behind the moving cloud body, cloud body fracture, cloud top collapse, momentum downward transport, and the presence of divergence outflow jets at 1–4 km altitudes in the middle and lower atmosphere. During the event, snow crystals collided with supercooled cloud droplets, resulting in the rapid growth of graupel particles in both the sinking and outflow regions. Notably, the simulated mixing ratio of the graupel particles was found to increase by a factor of 105 during the initial outbreak of the downburst. The graupel particles in the sinking zone played a significant role in accelerating the formation of cold pools within the clouds, which contributed to the downdraft intensification. With the cloud body moving, the strong downdraft generated divergence outflow at the surface, causing the convergence and upward movement of airflow. This process resulted in the formation of two updraft areas on both sides of the downdraft, creating vertical circulations within the cloud. These vertical circulations comprised an updraft and a neighboring wet downdraft, which contributed to the spreading of cold pools near the surface, thereby promoting the outbreak of the downburst and stimulating the gust front. The gust front, accompanied by warm, moist updrafts ahead, propagated in the outflow direction from the divergence center of the downburst, which facilitated the merging of new storm cells into the original, strengthening it. However, as the gust front advanced, it severed the warm and moist updrafts, leading to the continuous descent of the heavy cold cloud top. This process caused the upward rush and subsequent collapse of the cloud top, shaping the outflow propagation process of the downburst. Rainwater particles transported by updrafts ahead of the gust front froze near the 0°C layer. The heat released during freezing caused the 0°C layer to rise continuously during the outflow propagation, while the melting layer of graupel particles descending within the clouds also ascended. The melting of graupel particles and the evaporation of rainwater during their descent caused the expansion of the rainwater particle evaporation layer. The heat absorption during these processes, along with the strengthening of cold pools near the surface, contributed to the increased surface wind speed during the outflow propagation, playing a crucial role in the formation of surface gales during the outflow propagation of the downburst. Furthermore, updrafts heated the atmosphere via condensation, thus enhancing the upward motion. The development of the downdraft played a pivotal role in creating and maintaining the convective circulation and cold pools. After the formation of the downburst, a vertical closed circulation continuously developed in the direction of cloud body movement, serving as the moving mechanism of the divergence center of the downburst. However, as the cloud body moved eastward and the circulation of water condensate that maintained the vertical closed circulation structure weakened, the vertical closed circulation structure dissipated, giving rise to the weakening and eventual extinction of the divergence center of the downburst. Compared with previous studies, this dry downburst event showed similar characteristics, including the presence of an inflow jet behind the cloud body, a decrease in radar echo reflectivity factor, momentum downward transport, high water content of graupel particles, and heat absorption and cold pool formation during the melting and evaporation processes of the water condensate. Importantly, this dry downburst event featured a distinct vertical closed circulation in its divergence center, which was crucial to initiating and sustaining the downburst. In addition, the divergence center of the downburst was closely linked to the formation of the gust front, with the gust front process serving as the primary driver of surface gale formation during the outflow propagation of the dry downburst.


