

Understanding the Influence of Background Mean-State Field on ENSO Tropical and Extratropical Teleconnection from an Energetic Perspective

  • 摘要: 厄尔尼诺—南方涛动(El Niño–Southern Oscillation,简称ENSO)通过遥相关过程影响全球天气气候。在热带地区,ENSO能通过影响热带对流层温度导致遥远海盆降水和海表温度异常;在热带外,ENSO能通过激发准定常罗斯贝波动造成北美、亚洲等地区气候异常。气候背景场对ENSO热带和热带外遥相关有重要影响。一方面,气候背景大气环流场可以通过正压和斜压能量转换影响ENSO遥相关波列的位置和强度。另一方面,热带气候背景海温和对流场会通过影响湿静力能分布影响ENSO热带遥相关过程。这些研究表明分析能量过程有助于理解气候背景场影响ENSO遥相关的机理。本文回顾了近几十年来国内外关于气候背景场对ENSO热带与热带外遥相关影响的能量分析研究进展,在此基础上,回顾了全球变暖背景下ENSO遥相关的可能变化,并提出了一些未来该领域内需要进一步研究的科学问题。


    Abstract: El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) influences global weather and climate through teleconnection patterns. In tropical regions, ENSO can induce precipitation and sea surface temperature anomalies over remote ocean basins by influencing tropical tropospheric temperatures; meanwhile, in extratropical regions, it can create climate impacts over regions such as North America and Asia by exciting quasi-stationary Rossby waves. Background mean-state fields are of vital importance to the tropical and extratropical teleconnections of ENSO. On the one hand, background mean-state atmospheric circulations can affect the position and intensity of ENSO teleconnection wave trains via barotropic and baroclinic energy conversion. On the other hand, sea surface temperature and convection fields of tropical background mean-state can affect the tropical teleconnection processes of ENSO by adjusting the moist static energy distribution. These studies suggest that an analysis of energetic processes can help understand the mechanisms by which background mean-state fields influence ENSO teleconnections. The present study reviews the progress of energetic analysis research regarding the effects of background mean-state fields on the tropical and extratropical teleconnections of ENSO in recent decades. Accordingly, potential changes in ENSO teleconnections are further reviewed in the context of global warming and some important scientific questions are listed, which warrant future investigation.


