

Variation Mechanism of Low-Level Jets during an Extreme Rainstorm

  • 摘要: 2021年7月19~21日河南极端暴雨伴有显著的低空急流活动。本文利用ERA5(Fifth Generation of ECMWF Reanalyses)数据,采用等压坐标系水平运动方程、动能方程和位势高度梯度方程分析影响低空急流发展的关键物理因素。分析表明,低空急流中心首先从郑州附近925 hPa发展起来,然后垂直倾斜地向西北方向发展增强,中心位置先后抬升到850 hPa和700 hPa。低空急流纬向风和经向风局地变化主要受位势高度水平梯度的影响。郑州西侧山区存在位势高度低值系统,郑州东北侧平原地区为位势高度高值区,二者在郑州附近产生显著的纬向梯度力,与纬向东风耦合做功,驱动低空急流动能增长。位势高度这种异常分布主要与地表位势高度和近地层虚位温垂直积分有关。位势高度纬向梯度方程计算表明,垂直速度纬向梯度引起的位温垂直平流和非绝热加热纬向梯度项是导致位势高度纬向梯度局地变化的主要强迫项。总体上,近地面层山区相对低温区和平原地区相对高温区对低空急流发展演变有重要影响。


    Abstract: From July 19 to July 21, 2021, extreme rainstorms occurred in Henan Province, China, accompanied by many low-level jet (LLJ) activities. In this study, the horizontal motion, kinetic energy, and geopotential height gradient equations in the isobaric coordinate system are employed along with ERA5 (Fifth Generation of ECMWF Reanalyses) data to examine the crucial physical factors that influence the evolution of LLJs. Results reveal that the LLJ center initially formed at 925 hPa near Zhengzhou and subsequently developed and intensified to the northwest vertically, and its core location was elevated to 850hPa, and then to 700 hPa, respectively. The horizontal gradient of the geopotential height had a remarkable influence on the local change in zonal and meridian winds of the LLJ. The mountainous territory to the west of Zhengzhou had a low value of geopotential height system, while the plain region to the northeast of Zhengzhou had a geopotential height system with a high value. Both regions produced a strong zonal gradient force of geopotential height near Zhengzhou, which, together with the zonal east wind, propelled the growth of the kinetic energy of the LLJ. The anomalous distribution of geopotential height was mostly ascribed to surface geopotential height and vertical integration of near-surface virtual temperature. Furthermore, calculations of the equation of the zonal gradient of geopotential height disclosed that the vertical advection of potential temperature caused by the zonal gradient of vertical velocity and that of diabatic heating were the principal forcing terms for the local variation of the zonal gradient of geopotential height. The relatively low-temperature region in the mountainous region and the relatively high temperature region in the plain region had substantial influences on the development and evolution of LLJs.


