

Long-Term Variation Characteristics of Planetary Boundary Layer Height and Their Influencing Factors in Fuyang City

  • 摘要: 安徽省阜阳市是人口和粮食大市,城镇化进程的加快引起的气候和环境问题急需关注,研究气候变化引起的阜阳市长期边界层结构和气象条件变化特征具有重要意义。我们利用阜阳市常规气象观测数据和阜阳市探空站2010~2019年间的L波段高分辨率探空观测资料以及ERA5再分析资料,采用总体理查森数方法计算了行星边界层高度(PBLH),对比分析了阜阳市PBLH的长期变化特征;并分析了多年月平均、季节和年际尺度的PBLH与10 m风速、近地面气温、相对湿度、大气压等气象影响因子的关系,以及观测和ERA5 PBLH差异的原因。结果表明:阜阳08时(北京时,下同)和20时探空观测的PBLH全年均小于500 m,这是由于太阳辐射在这两个时段比较弱,边界层没有充分发展或正在向夜间稳定边界层过渡。20时的PBLH高于08时的,是由于20时气压低、温度高和相对湿度小共同造成边界层抬升更高,超过风速低造成的降低影响。PBLH有显著的季节变化,夏季>春季>冬季>秋季。ERA5的PBLH与探空观测的季节变化特征大致相同。08时ERA5的PBLH比观测总体偏高23 m,这是由于ERA5风速偏高、温度偏高和气压偏低等原因造成;20时则是ERA5的PBLH总体偏低99 m,其影响因素比较复杂。ERA5与探空观测的PBLH多年月平均相关系数比较高,在08时和20时分别为0.91和0.74, 因此可以用ERA5资料在阜阳站点及东南地区进行PBLH长期趋势研究。观测和ERA5年平均PBLH逐年的波动变化一致,探空PBLH是波动中保持平稳,ERA5则是在波动中略微下降(不具有显著性水平小于0.05的统计学意义)。月平均尺度上地表气象因子对PBLH有显著影响,气压和风速的影响都比较大,温度和湿度的影响次之。探空观测的月平均PBLH值与地面气压和相对湿度都呈现显著的负相关关系,而与地表温度和风速都呈显著正相关关系。08时比20时的相关性都更强一些;年平均PBLH值与地面气象要素的关系并不显著,因此虽然气候变化导致地表温度上升相对湿度增加,但年平均PBLH改变并没有呈现一定趋势。加密观测的结果表明,探空观测和ERA5的PBLH都随时间02~20时由低逐渐升高再降低,白天深厚,夜晚浅薄,反应了PBLH的典型日变化特征。


    Abstract: Rapid urbanization in Fuyang City, a densely populated city, has raised concerns about climate and environmental issues. This research focuses on understanding the long-term boundary layer structure and its relationship with meteorological conditions amid climate change. The analysis uses conventional meteorological observation data from Fuyang City, Anhui Province, high-resolution L-band sounding observations from the Fuyang sounding station between 2010 and 2019, as well as the ERA5 reanalysis data to calculate the PBLH (planetary boundary layer height) using the bulk Richardson number method. The study analyzed long-term PBLH variations in the Fuyang City, examining its relationship with meteorological factors such as 10-m wind speed, near-surface temperature, relative humidity, and surface pressure across monthly, seasonal, and interannual scales using multi-year data. It also compared observed PBLH data with ERA5 reanalysis data to identify any discrepancies. The results indicate that the PBLH at 0800 BJT (Beijing time) and 2000 BJT remains below 500 m owing to relatively weak solar radiation, leading to an underdeveloped or stable nocturnal boundary layer. The PBLH at 2000 BJT is higher than that at 0800 BJT owing to lower pressure, higher temperature, and lower relative humidity, which led to a higher uplifting of the PBLH and surpassed the effect caused by lower wind speeds. The PBLH exhibited significant seasonal variations, with the order being summer>spring>winter>autumn, regardless of whether observations were taken at 0800 BJT or 2000 BJT. The ERA5-derived PBLH generally matched this seasonal variation pattern. However, there were some discrepancies: at 0800 BJT, the ERA5 PBHL was 23 m higher than observed, primarily owing to elevated wind speeds, higher temperatures, and lower atmospheric pressure in ERA5. Conversely, at 2000 BJT, the ERA5 PBLH was 99 m lower than observed, influenced by complex factors. The study found high multi-year monthly averaged correlation coefficients between ERA5 and observed PBLH, with values of 0.91 at 0800 BJT and 0.74 at 2000 BJT, suggesting ERA5’s suitability for long-term PBLH trend studies in Fuyang and southeastern regions. Both observations, and ERA5 annual average PBLH showed consistent fluctuation patterns over the years, though ERA5 indicated a slightly decreasing trend (not statistically significant at 0.05 significance level). On the monthly average scale, surface meteorological factors like atmospheric pressure and wind speed exerted a greater impact on PBLH compared to temperature and humidity. The multi-year monthly averaged PBLH from ERA5 exhibited a significant negative correlation with surface pressure and a strong positive correlation with surface wind speed. Correlations were stronger at 0800 BJT than at 2000 BJT. The annual average PBLH value did not show a significant relationship with ground meteorological elements, indicating that despite climate change increasing surface temperature and relative humidity, the change in annual average PBLH is statistically not significant. Intensive observations indicated that both observed and ERA5-derived PBLH gradually increased from 0200 BJT to 2000 BJT and then decreased, reflecting typical diurnal variation characteristics of the boundary layer height, with a deeper boundary layer during the day and a shallower boundary layer at night.


