

Progress in Tropical Wave Research

  • 摘要: 本文简要回顾了热带波动的浅水理论解及对应的波动特征。系统介绍了从观测资料中区分和分离热带波动的信号的方法,指出近年来在热带波动观测和分离研究方面取得了明显进展,许多不同于经典波动理论的新特征被揭示。在此基础上回顾了几种影响波动演变的机制(如,波流相互作用、波动—积云对流相互作用、水汽作用等)来部分解释观测热带波动与理论的差异的可能原因。这些研究表明局地大尺度环流和湿对流等在热带波动结构演变、强度和位置中有着重要作用。文中还综述了热带波动对热带气旋生成和路径的影响及可能机制,这表明热带波动的变化能够较好解释热带天气(如,热带气旋)的变化特征。最后,大气热带波动研究依然有许多科学问题亟待解决,它对于大气科学发展具有重要科学意义。


    Abstract: This paper provides an overview of theoretical solutions for shallow water equations and tropical wave characteristics. Additionally, systematic methods for identifying equatorial waves from observations are presented. Recent advancements in tropical wave observational studies have revealed several mechanisms that affect tropical wave evolution, such as wave–flow interaction, wave–cumulus convection interaction, and moisture mode. Local large-scale circulation and cumulus convection play a crucial role in controlling the structure, intensity, and movements of tropical waves. This paper also reviews the impact and mechanism of tropical waves on the formations and tracks of tropical cyclones. The multiscale variation of tropical cyclone activity can be explained by examining tropical waves. However, to advance tropical atmospheric dynamics, further research is necessary to address scientific problems related to atmospheric tropical waves.


