

Multidimensional Observation Capability Development and Scientific Research of the Shenzhen National Climate Observatory

  • 摘要: 国家气候观象台是中国国家级气象观测的重要节点,发展国家气候观象台的观测能力,并依托其开展有特色的科学研究,有助于推动我国大气科学发展。深圳国家气候观象台是我国珠三角经济圈环境综合观测区唯一的国家级气候观象台,经过20余年的持续不断建设,已具备了城市—郊区的对比监测、气象—环境的联合监测、地面—高空的立体监测和陆地—海洋的协同监测等多方面的监测能力。基于深圳国家气候观象台的观测数据,大气科学领域的学者们已在粤港澳大湾区城市气候、边界层风特性及致灾机理、大气环境与环境气象、气候资源、地闪雷电特征等多个领域开展研究并取得了丰硕的成果,进一步丰富了对这些领域的科学认识。此外,深圳国家气候观象台还支撑了深圳本地的防灾减灾、城市管理、城市规划以及生态文明建设等工作,已逐渐成为发挥气象观测社会效益的典范。


    Abstract: The Shenzhen National Climate Observatory is the only national-level climate observatory in the Pearl River Delta Economic Circle in China. After more than 20 years of continuous development, it possesses various capabilities, including comparative monitoring of urban and suburban climate conditions, joint monitoring of meteorology and atmospheric environment, three-dimensional monitoring of atmospheric conditions from ground to upper-level air, and collaborative monitoring of climate patterns over land and ocean. Based on the observation data obtained from the observatory, scholars in atmospheric science have conducted successful research with fruitful results in multiple fields such as urban climate, boundary layer physics, atmospheric environment and environmental meteorology, climate resources, and lightning characteristics in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area, further enriching the scientific understanding in these fields. In addition, the observatory supports local disaster prevention and reduction, urban management, urban planning, and ecological civilization construction in Shenzhen, thereby serving as a model for leveraging the social benefits of meteorological observation.


