

The Composite Analysis of Upper Level Ozone at Northern Middle Latitudes

  • 摘要: 应用逆转方法(C),对北半球中纬度地区8个观测质量较好的O3地面站的近30年地面遥感逆转资料进行标准处理。采用合成分析方法,对中纬度带上层O3进行了分析研究,发现上层O3总的长期演变趋势较为平坦,仅80年代初及90年代初在36km以上层O3含量有突降现象。这可能与EL Chichon大火山焊发和Pinatubo大火山爆发有较大关系。此外。在上层O3含量的长期演变过程中,还可看到准11年周期,并证实28~36km层及36km以上层O3含量季节变化位相相反。本研究结果可能对南极O3洞的形成机制及近年来O3层变浅薄的机制的认识提供依据并产生影响。


    Abstract: This paper presents the trends and characteristics of upper ozone layers over middle latitudes by the analyses of the Umkehr data of the period of 1965~ 1993. The results, from 1965 to 1993, show that the upper ozone variation of middle latitudes per decade are about –1~2%, and the ozone seasonal variations between the layer of 28~36 km and the layer of above 36 km have opposite phases. Because of the eruption of El Chichon and Pinatubo, during the period of 1982~ 1983 and after 1991 there was a sudden change in upper layer.


