

Anomaly-Based Classification Study of Synoptic Patterns Associated with Hourly Heavy Rainfall over Beijing by SANDRA Method

  • 摘要: 利用cost733class软件中的SANDRA(Simulated ANnealing and Diversified RAndomization)客观分型方法对北京地区2007~2014年暖季5~9月的小时强降水日的500 hPa扰动位势高度场进行分型研究。结果显示,所划分的4类环流形势分别在蒙古、东北—华北地区、河套地区和俄罗斯远东地区存在扰动低压区。根据4类环流形势的质心,将2007~2014年暖季所有日划归4类,计算每类小时强降水日占各自类型总天数的百分比得出蒙古扰动低压类的小时强降水日出现概率最大。统计小时强降水日的探空廓线得出,925 hPa和850 hPa的比湿中位数分别为13.01 g kg-1和10.64 g kg-1,这2个层级上最常出现的风向是180°~225°。


    Abstract: Using SANDRA (Simulated ANnealing and Diversified RAndomization), the hourly heavy rainfall days in Beijing during the warm seasons (May-September) of 2007-2014 are classified into four types based on 500 hPa anomalous geopotential height fields. There is an anomalous low in Mongolia, Northeast and North China, Hetao region, and Russian Far East, respectively, in the four types. All the days during the warm seasons of 2007-2014 are then assigned to one of the four types according to the centroids of the types. The result shows that the type in which an anomalous low is located in Mongolia has the largest probability of hourly heavy rainfall. The statistical analysis of sounding on hourly heavy rainfall days reveals that the median specific humidity values of 925 hPa and 850 hPa are 13.01 g kg-1 and 10.64 g kg-1, respectively, and that the wind direction in the range of 180°-225° is dominant at these two levels.


