

Climate Change Characteristics in Ecological Fragile Zones in China during 1980-2014

  • 摘要: 为了全面把握20世纪80年代以来中国生态脆弱区气候变化的特征,利用基于全国2000多个站点的格点化逐月资料,对中国典型生态脆弱区1980~2014年的日平均气温、日最高和最低气温、降水、相对湿度、风速和蒸发皿蒸发量的变化特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)中国生态脆弱区日平均气温、日最高和最低气温几乎都呈上升趋势;日平均气温增幅北方大于南方;北方生态脆弱区日平均气温、日最高和最低气温、南方生态脆弱区日最低气温的季节增幅多为春季最大,秋季或冬季最小。(2)全区平均降水变化趋势不明显;生态脆弱区降水距平百分率春季多为增长趋势,夏季多为减少趋势,秋、冬季和年北方多为增长趋势,南方多为减少趋势。(3)相对湿度以减少趋势为主,只有黄土高原南部脆弱区秋、冬季和干旱半干旱区脆弱区冬季相对湿度距平百分率的趋势为正,这几个正值区同时也是降水增长大值区。(4)风速基本为减少趋势,春季减少趋势最大。(5)全区平均蒸发皿蒸发量春、夏季和年为减少趋势,冬季为增长趋势;北方生态脆弱区蒸发皿蒸发量四季和年多呈减少趋势;南方生态脆弱区蒸发皿蒸发量春、夏季以减少趋势为主,秋、冬季和年呈增长趋势。


    Abstract: The climate change characteristics in ecological fragile zones in China since the 1980s were analyzed using a gridded monthly meteorological dataset. The results were as follows: (1) The annual and seasonal mean values for daily mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures have risen in most of the study areas. The increase in daily mean temperature is greater in the northern ecologically fragile zones than in the south. The increase in seasonal mean values for daily mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures in the northern areas and daily minimum temperature in southern areas was largest in spring and smallest in autumn or winter. (2) Annual and seasonal precipitation, averaged over the whole area, showed no clear trend. Precipitation anomaly percentage increased in spring and decreased in summer in most of the study areas. The annual, autumn, and winter anomalies mostly increased in the north but decreased in the south. (3) Relative humidity was mostly on the decline, with positive trends found only in autumn and winter in the southern part of the Loess Plateau and in winter in the ecologically fragile zones in the arid and semiarid areas, which also showed a large precipitation growth trend. (4) Wind speed decreased in most areas, with the largest downward trend occurring in spring. (5) Pan evaporation averaged over the whole area decreased in spring, summer, and annual amount, but it increased in winter. Seasonal and annual pan evaporation decreased in most areas of the northern ecologically fragile zones. Pan evaporation decreased in most areas of the southern ecologically fragile zones during spring and summer, while it increased during autumn, winter, and annual amount.


