

Flood Risk Assessment in the Loess Plateau: A Case Study of the Quchan Basin, China

  • 摘要: 屈产河流域位于黄土高原东部,流域内植被稀疏,土层厚而松,降水少且集中,遇暴雨天气容易发生泥石流、山洪等灾害。本文基于2020年8月5~6日罕见强降水的实地灾情调查结果,对FloodArea模型在屈产河流域的淹没水深和风险评估结果进行检验。结果表明:屈产河流域地势低洼的河道附近及干沟地区山洪风险较大;此次强降水过程屈产河流域最大淹没深度2.8 m,受洪灾影响人口为5475人,受影响GDP为3615×104元,耕地和居民地受灾面积分别为20.7 km2和0.7 km2。模拟最大淹没深度、受影响GDP和受灾面积与实际调查情况基本一致,但受影响人口低于实际调查结果,该结果表明FloodArea模型在屈产河流域具有较好的洪水淹没模拟效果,可用于暴雨洪涝灾害风险评估与预警业务。


    Abstract: The Loess Plateau is highly vulnerable to floods and landslides. This paper aims to assess the flood risk in the Quchan River basin located east of the Loess Plateau. A FloodArea model developed by the Gemer company of Germany is seamlessly integrated with ArcGIS in a module form. The principle is based on a two-dimensional unsteady hydrodynamic model, and the calculation is based on a hydrodynamic method. Although rare in history, heavy precipitation struck the Quchan River basin from 4 August to 7 August 2020. The DEM (Digital Elevation Model), roughness, and hourly rainfall in the basin were used to run the FloodArea model. Under the rainstorm scene, an hourly flooding pattern was simulated at a 30-m high resolution. Moreover, land-use types were converted to roughness values because different land-use types have different roughness values. Results show that a flash flood risk is higher in low-lying river areas and gullies of the Quchan River basin than other areas. During this flooding, the maximum flooding depth at the survey site was 3.1 m, close to the observed flooding depth. For the disaster situations of the simulations, the population affected by the flood was 5475, the GDP was 36.15 million Yuan, as well as the disaster areas of cultivated and residential lands, were 20.7 and 0.7 km2, respectively. The affected GDP and land area were consistent with the disaster-related data collected from the survey, but the affected population was lower than those reflected in the survey were. This indicates that the FloodArea model is superior in simulating flooding situations and can be employed in the risk evaluation and early warning of rainstorm and flood disasters in the Quchan River basin.


