

Renewable Energy Development in China under Dual Carbon Goal: Opportunities and Challenges

  • 摘要: 在回顾国内外有关可再生能源碳排放效应及其对碳中和作用研究进展的基础上,分析了可再生能源发展面临的机遇和挑战,最后提出了发展路径和对策。研究认为,为保持可再生能源的健康持续发展,承担起实现“碳中和”的历史使命,应当加强顶层设计,在发展规模、发展时序、空间布局和政策协调方面精心谋划;智慧电网、多元化储能、产业融合等协同发展,多种措施并举系统性解决可再生能源发电消纳问题;统筹协调可再生能源设施的用地、用海指标与布局,消除与基本农田保护和生态红线管控方面的矛盾;重视新能源发展中的气候与生态环境效应,通过科技进步、合理规划与管理实现可再生能源发展与生态保护的“双赢”。


    Abstract: Domestic and international research on the effects of renewable energy on carbon emissions and its role in achieving carbon neutrality was reviewed. Furthermore, opportunities and challenges associated with renewable energy development and proposes pathways and strategies for its advancement were explored. To maintain the healthy and sustainable development of renewable energy and achieve carbon neutrality, the authors propose strengthening the top-level design and carefully planning the scale, timing, spatial layout, and policy coordination of development. Coordinating the development of smart grids, diversified energy storage, and industry integration can systematically address the issue of renewable energy underconsumption. Proper utilization of land- and sea-use indicators and planning of the spatial layout of renewable energy facilities are crucial for avoiding conflicts with agricultural land protection and ecological redline controls. Moreover, greater attention to the climatic and ecological impacts of new energy facilities is essential to achieve a “win–win” scenario for renewable energy development and ecological protection, facilitated by scientific and technological progress and sound planning and management.


