

Analysis and Application of Data Obtained by Wind Profiler Radar on the Coast of South China

  • 摘要: 对系统风较小时车载风廓线雷达探测资料与气球探空资料进行了对比, 发现二者一致性较好, 并应用车载风廓线雷达探测资料分析了探测期间惠来海陆风的空间结构和时间演替规律。同时分析了车载风廓线雷达探 测到的“灿都”台风资料, 结果表明车载风廓线雷达对台风外围下沉气流区高空风的三维结构有较强的探测能 力, 能有效地探测到台风登陆过程中地面到高空的水平风切变和垂直气流切变过程, 有助于提高沿海地区防台风抗台风能力。


    Abstract: A comparison of data detected by wind profiler and balloon-mounted radars revealed no significant differences between the two types under conditions of weak wind power. The variation rules of space and time were studied by using the data of wind profiler radar at the seaside of Huilai. The results show that the wind profiler radar has stronger detecting capability on the vertical structure of three-dimensional winds and can detect sea-land breeze vertical shear in real time. Such data could be used to analyze the rules of pollutant diffusion and migration in coastal areas. In addition, data obtained by the wind profiler radar was studied to determine the rule of periphery wind shear of Typhoon Chanthu. The results show that the wind profiler radar also has stronger detecting capability on the typhoon peripheral sinking airflow area of high-altitude wind in a three-dimensional wind vertical structure. Moreover, this type of radar can detect the rules of typhoon space shear in real time to improve the efficiency of the typhoon prevention in coastal areas.


