

Analysis of Mesoscale Wave Features during the Landing of Typhoon Morakot

  • 摘要: 利用波作用理论对台风莫拉克登陆期间的降水进行诊断分析。结果表明:波作用密度异常能在一定程度上指示暴雨雨区发展移动,其异常值的空间分布能够反映雨区上空动力场和热力场的典型垂直结构特征。台风内中尺度波动与暴雨落区宏观上具有一定联系。为了详细研究台风内部的波动特征,利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model)模式模拟的高分辨率资料对台风登陆过程中波动特征进行分析,低波数波动的传播主导强对流的非对称分布,2波在登陆初期对对流分布起着关键作用,中尺度波动中同时存在涡旋罗斯贝波以及重力惯性波的特征,对登陆期间涡旋混合的现象有重要作用。


    Abstract: General waveactivity density is used to diagnose the rainfall event of the landing of typhoon Morakot. The results show that the anomaly of the wave-activity density corresponds with the observed 6-h accumulated surface rainfall. High resolution simulation data is used to analyze the wave characteristics of the landing of typhoon Morakot, the low wavenumber structures that dominated the distribution of the asymmetric convection, and the amplitude of the two-wavenumber waves that occurred during landfall. The strong convergence and divergence of the asymmetric wind shows characteristics of gravity inertial waves. The mesoscale waves that induced mixing happened between the eye wall and the eye.


