

Seasonal Variation of Circulation and Water Transports in Luzon Strait Derived from a Quasi-Global Eddy-Resolving Ocean General Circulation Model LICOM

  • 摘要: 分析了一个1/10°的涡分辨率全球环流模式LICOM(LASG/IAP Climate system Ocean Model)对吕宋海峡附近海洋环流的模拟能力。结果表明,模拟的吕宋海峡附近上层环流及输运具有明显的季节变化特征,除6月是东向净流出外,其余月份均为西向流入,冬季流量最大。年平均流量在-3.76 Sv(1 Sv=106 m3/s),其中上层 (600 m以上)流量起主要贡献,为-3.60 Sv,与目前已有的研究结果基本一致。南海通过6个海峡完成与外界的水交换,其中吕宋海峡和巴拉巴克海峡是大洋水进入南海的主要通道,其余海峡均以流出为主,流出量最大的是台湾海峡(1.99 Sv),其次是卡里玛塔海峡(1.03 Sv)。进一步分析表明,由季风引起的埃克曼输送量约占吕宋海峡流量的11%,而由季风引起的吕宋海峡压力梯度形成的西向的地转流对吕宋海峡的输运起支配作用。作为黑潮源头的太平洋北赤道流流量对吕宋海峡输运的季节变化也有一定影响。


    Abstract: The LASG/IAP climate system ocean model (LICOM), a quasi-global 1/10° eddy-resolving ocean general circulation model, was used to simulate the seasonal variation of water exchange in the Luzon Strait. The seasonal variation in the upper circulation and the Luzon Strait Transport (LST) were found to be significant. Except for the eastward LST in June, westward LST dominates all other months. The biggest LST occurs in winter. The mean LST is estimated to be approximately -3.76 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3/s), and the upper-layer (600 m) flux is the major contributor (-3.60 Sv). The South China Sea (SCS) exchanges waters with its adjacent oceans through six straits. The Luzon Strait and the Balabac Strait are the main channels through which the ocean water flows into the SCS. The Taiwan Strait (1.99 Sv) and the Karimata Strait (1.03 Sv) take the first and second places of the four outflow straits. A mechanism analysis shows that Ekman transport caused by monsoon events accounts for only 11% of the LST. However, the westward geostrophic current, resulting from a pressure gradient caused by monsoon events, plays a dominant role in the water exchange of the Luzon Strait. As the source of the Kuroshio, the North Equatorial Current also has some impact on the seasonal variation of the LST.


