In this study, the simulations of the subseasonal evolution of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) by BCC-CSM2-MR and BCC-ESM1 models, two models from the Beijing Climate Center participating in the 6th phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), are analyzed, including the characteristics of the climatological mean state and features in different ENSO phases. This study compares the results of the atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) experiments, in which the AGCM is driven by observed sea ice/sea surface temperature (AMIP experiment), with the results of the Historical experiment using the air-sea coupled model. Results show that both models can reasonably reproduce the climate mean state features of the circulation and precipitation associated with the EASM. Compared to the AGCM, the coupled model can significantly improve the simulation of the climate mean state of EASM. For instance, the coupled model simulates the subseasonal variation of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) with northward and eastward shifts from June to August better. With respect to the composites for El Niño decaying years and La Niña years, the atmospheric model can simulate the westward extension (eastward retreat) of WPSH and the associated weakening (strengthening) of convection in El Niño decaying years (La Niña years) to some extent. However, there are deviations in the simulation of the location and intensity of WPSH and convection centers, particularly on a subseasonal scale. Compared to the AGCM, the coupled model does not appear to significantly improve the simulation of the subseasonal evolution of the EASM with the ENSO cycle, which may be caused by the deviation of the ENSO simulation in the coupled model. To improve the simulation of the subseasonal evolution of the EASM and its interannual variation with the ENSO phase, the simulation of ENSO in the coupled model should be enhanced.