

Impacts of Forests on Surface Fluxes in the Mid-Latitudes Based on FLUXNET Dataset

  • 摘要: 利用最新FLUXNET数据集,采用森林站和非森林站(开阔地)的对比分析用以表征毁林的作用,探讨中纬度地区毁林对地表通量和波文比的季节和日内影响。结果表明,毁林使得地表通量和波文比降低,其中以感热通量的减少为主。通过对比不同森林类型毁林发现,在日尺度上,地表通量变化在正午达到最强值,混合林地表通量变化相比于常绿针叶林较强,而弱于落叶阔叶林。在季节尺度上,感热通量在常绿针叶林和混合林中减少,潜热通量则在常绿针叶林和落叶阔叶林中减少。通过对不同气候区下地表通量变化发现,毁林使得常湿冷温气候地表通量以潜热通量减少为主,而常湿温暖气候以感热通量减少为主。夏干温暖气候下冬季感热通量减少,潜热通量增加,夏季则感热通量增加,潜热通量减少。整体而言,不同森林类型毁林影响地表通量变化的符号存在差异,而背景气候也决定了地表通量变化是以感热还是潜热通量变化为主。研究揭示了中纬度毁林对地表通量的影响,可以为中纬度地区植被恢复/造林政策的制定和实施提供观测依据,也可以为模式检验提供一定参考价值。


    Abstract: The seasonal and daily effects of deforestation on surface fluxes and the Bowen ratio in mid-latitudes and associated physical processes were explored by comparing forests and open lands based on the FLUXNET dataset. The results show that surface fluxes and the Bowen ratio decrease due to deforestation, with a noticeable decrease in sensible heat flux. A comparison of the effects of deforestation across different forest types indicates that changes in surface flux were more pronounced at noon on a daily scale. Mixed forests exhibited stronger surface flux changes than evergreen needleleaf forests but weaker than deciduous broadleaf forests. On a seasonal scale, sensible heat flux decreased in evergreen needleleaf and mixed forest sites, while latent heat flux decreased at evergreen needleleaf and deciduous broadleaf forest sites. A comparison of the effects of deforestation on surface fluxes across different climate zones revealed that for evergreen needleleaf forest sites, latent heat flux was mainly reduced in subarctic climates, while sensible heat flux was mainly reduced in marine west coast climates. For deciduous broadleaf forest sites, latent heat flux decreased mainly in marine west coast and Mediterranean climates; however, the sensible heat flux might increase in Mediterranean climates. Overall, the findings suggest that the physical properties of different forest types could influence the signs and magnitudes of seasonal changes in surface heat fluxes, and background climate could determine whether changes in sensible heat flux or latent heat flux were dominant. Our study provides observational evidence that can aid in the formulation and implementation of afforestation/reforestation policies in mid-latitudes. Furthermore, it offers valuable insights for model evaluation.


