The Diurnal Variation of Precipitation in Monsoon Season in the Tibetan Plateau
Graphical Abstract
The soundings, precipitation and radar data obtained from IOP of GAME-TIBET in the summer of 1998 are used to analyze the diurnal variations of precipitation and thermodynamic variables CAPE. LCL and relationships between precipitation and thermodynamic variables in monsoon season. The diurnal variations of precipitation are obvious. Maximum precipitation appears at the same time when CAPE reaches its maximum value. The atmospheric layer between 6 km and 8.5 km is unstable in most of the time, the strong stable layers below 6 km and above 9 km from 0400 to 0800 resists the development of convective system. The diurnal variation of precipitation is related to diurnal variations of thermodynamic variables.The diurnal variation of precipitation and effects of water vapor and temperature on precipitation are simulated by a three-dimensional cloud model. The cloud model reproduces the maxima and minima of diurnal variations of precipitation and reflectivity. The high humidity in low level at night is the key factor for the precipitation.