Preface to the 2nd Special Issue on Climate Science for Service Partnership China
Adam A. SCAIFE, Qingchen CHAO, Riyu LU, Tianjun ZHOU, Peiqun ZHANG
2023, 40(11): 1939-1940. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-3014-9
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Understanding and Attribution of Extreme Heat and Drought Events in 2022: Current Situation and Future Challenges
Lixia ZHANG, Xiaojing YU, Tianjun ZHOU, Wenxia ZHANG, Shuai HU, Robin CLARK
2023, 40(11): 1941-1951. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-3171-x
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HadISDH.extremes Part I: A Gridded Wet Bulb Temperature Extremes Index Product for Climate Monitoring
2023, 40(11): 1952-1967. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-2347-8
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HadISDH.extremes Part II: Exploring Humid Heat Extremes Using Wet Bulb Temperature Indices
2023, 40(11): 1968-1985. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-2348-7
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A Precursory Signal of June–July Precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin: December–January Tropospheric Temperature over the Tibetan Plateau
Xiaying ZHU, Mingzhu YANG, Ge LIU, Yanju LIU, Weijing LI, Sulan NAN, Linhai SUN
2023, 40(11): 1986-1997. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-022-2079-1
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Dynamical Predictability of Leading Interannual Variability Modes of the Asian-Australian Monsoon in Climate Models
Lin WANG, Hong-Li REN, Fang ZHOU, Nick DUNSTONE, Xiangde XU
2023, 40(11): 1998-2012. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-2288-2
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Seasonal Prediction Skill and Biases in GloSea5 Relating to the East Asia Winter Monsoon
Daquan ZHANG, Lijuan CHEN, Gill M. MARTIN, Zongjian KE
2023, 40(11): 2013-2028. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-2258-8
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The Relationship between Model Biases in East Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall and Land Evaporation
Ruth GEEN, Marianne PIETSCHNIG, Shubhi AGRAWAL, Dipanjan DEY, F. Hugo LAMBERT, Geoffrey K. VALLIS
2023, 40(11): 2029-2042. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-2297-1
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Use of Targeted Orographic Smoothing in Very High Resolution Simulations of a Downslope Windstorm and Rotor in a Sub-tropical Highland Location
Peter SHERIDAN, Anlun XU, Jian LI, Kalli FURTADO
2023, 40(11): 2043-2062. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-2298-0
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The Representation of Soil Moisture−Atmosphere Feedbacks across the Tibetan Plateau in CMIP6
Joshua TALIB, Omar V. MÜLLER, Emma J. BARTON, Christopher M. TAYLOR, Pier Luigi VIDALE
2023, 40(11): 2063-2081. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-2296-2
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Skilful Forecasts of Summer Rainfall in the Yangtze River Basin from November
Philip E. BETT, Nick DUNSTONE, Nicola GOLDING, Doug SMITH, Chaofan LI
2023, 40(11): 2082-2091. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-2251-2
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Causes of a Typical Southern Flood and Northern Drought Event in 2015 over Eastern China
Zhuoyuan LI, Qing YANG, Dian YUAN, Er LU, Zhuguo MA
2023, 40(11): 2092-2107. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-2342-0
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Spatial Inhomogeneity of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and Its Uncertainty in CMIP6 Earth System Models
Chengjun XIE, Tongwen WU, Jie ZHANG, Kalli FURTADO, Yumeng ZHOU, Yanwu ZHANG, Fanghua WU, Weihua JIE, He ZHAO, Mengzhe ZHENG
2023, 40(11): 2108-2126. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-023-2294-4
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Subseasonal Prediction of Early-summer Northeast Asian Cut-off Lows by BCC-CSM2-HR and GloSea5
Yu NIE, Jie WU, Jinqing ZUO, Hong-Li REN, Adam A. SCAIFE, Nick DUNSTONE, Steven C. HARDIMAN
2023, 40(11): 2127-2134. DOI: 10.1007/s00376-022-2197-9
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