Atmospheric NO2 Concentration Measurements Using Differential Absorption Lidar Technique
Graphical Abstract
Using the Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) technique, two types of approaches, namely, reflection from retroreflector/topographic target and backscatter from atmosphere, are available for studying remotely the atmos-pheric NO2 concentration. The Argon ion lidar system at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, India has been used for the measurements by following both the path-averaged and range-resolved ap-proaches. For the former, a topographic target (hill) is used for determining path-averaged surface concentration. In the latter, spectral properties of atmospheric attenuation is used for making range-resolved measurements in the sur-face layer. The results of the observations collected by following both approaches are presented. The average surface NO2 concentration was found to vary between 0.01 and 0.105 ppm and the range-resolved measurements exhibited higher values suggesting treatment of the lidar data for scattering and extinction effects due to atmospheric aerosols and air molecules, and atmospheric turbulence. Certain modifications that arc suggested to the experimental set-up, data acquisition and analysis to improve the measurements are briefly described.