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Boreal Winter Rainfall Anomaly over the Tropical Indo-Pacific and Its Effect on Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation in CMIP5 Models

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doi: 10.1007/s00376-013-3174-0

  • Experimental outputs of 11 Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) models from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) are analyzed to assess the atmospheric circulation anomaly over Northern Hemisphere induced by the anomalous rainfall over tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean during boreal winter. The analysis shows that the main features of the interannual variation of tropical rainfall anomalies, especially over the Central Pacific (CP) (5S5N, 175E135W) and Indo-western Pacific (IWP) (20S20N, 110150E) are well captured in all the CMIP5/AMIP models. For the IWP and western Indian Ocean (WIO) (10S10N, 4575E), the anomalous rainfall is weaker in the 11 CMIP5/AMIP models than in the observation. During El Nio/La Nia mature phases in boreal winter, consistent with observations, there are geopotential height anomalies known as the Pacific North American (PNA) pattern and Indo-western Pacific and East Asia (IWPEA) pattern in the upper troposphere, and the northwestern Pacific anticyclone (cyclone) (NWPA) in the lower troposphere in the models. Comparison between the models and observations shows that the ability to simulate the PNA and NWPA pattern depends on the ability to simulate the anomalous rainfall over the CP, while the ability to simulate the IWPEA pattern is related to the ability to simulate the rainfall anomaly in the IWP and WIO, as the SST anomaly is same in AMIP experiments. It is found that the tropical rainfall anomaly is important in modeling the impact of the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean on the extratropical atmospheric circulation anomaly.
    摘要: Experimental outputs of 11 Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) models from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) are analyzed to assess the atmospheric circulation anomaly over Northern Hemisphere induced by the anomalous rainfall over tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean during boreal winter. The analysis shows that the main features of the interannual variation of tropical rainfall anomalies, especially over the Central Pacific (CP) (5?S-5?N, 175?E-135?W) and Indo-western Pacific (IWP) (20?S-20?N, 110?-150?E) are well captured in all the CMIP5/AMIP models. For the IWP and western Indian Ocean (WIO) (10?S-10?N, 45?-75?E), the anomalous rainfall is weaker in the 11 CMIP5/AMIP models than in the observation. During El Ni?o/La Ni?a mature phases in boreal winter, consistent with observations, there are geopotential height anomalies known as the Pacific North American (PNA) pattern and Indo-western Pacific and East Asia (IWPEA) pattern in the upper troposphere, and the northwestern Pacific anticyclone (cyclone) (NWPA) in the lower troposphere in the models. Comparison between the models and observations shows that the ability to simulate the PNA and NWPA pattern depends on the ability to simulate the anomalous rainfall over the CP, while the ability to simulate the IWPEA pattern is related to the ability to simulate the rainfall anomaly in the IWP and WIO, as the SST anomaly is same in AMIP experiments. It is found that the tropical rainfall anomaly is important in modeling the impact of the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean on the extratropical atmospheric circulation anomaly.
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Manuscript History

Manuscript received: 23 August 2013
Manuscript revised: 11 December 2013
通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Boreal Winter Rainfall Anomaly over the Tropical Indo-Pacific and Its Effect on Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation in CMIP5 Models

    Corresponding author: WANG Hai; 
  • 1. Physical Oceanography Laboratory/Qingdao Collaborative Innovation Center of Marine Science and Technology, Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and Climate Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100
Fund Project:  The authors thank Prof. Shang-Ping XIE and Chun-Zai WANG for their constructive comments and suggestions.This work is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (National Basic Research Program of China; Grant No. 2012CB955602) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41176006 and 41221063). We acknowledge the World Climate Research Programme's Working Group on Coupled Modeling, which is responsible for CMIP5, and we thank the climate modeling groups (listed in Table 1) for producing and making available their model outputs.

Abstract: Experimental outputs of 11 Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) models from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) are analyzed to assess the atmospheric circulation anomaly over Northern Hemisphere induced by the anomalous rainfall over tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean during boreal winter. The analysis shows that the main features of the interannual variation of tropical rainfall anomalies, especially over the Central Pacific (CP) (5S5N, 175E135W) and Indo-western Pacific (IWP) (20S20N, 110150E) are well captured in all the CMIP5/AMIP models. For the IWP and western Indian Ocean (WIO) (10S10N, 4575E), the anomalous rainfall is weaker in the 11 CMIP5/AMIP models than in the observation. During El Nio/La Nia mature phases in boreal winter, consistent with observations, there are geopotential height anomalies known as the Pacific North American (PNA) pattern and Indo-western Pacific and East Asia (IWPEA) pattern in the upper troposphere, and the northwestern Pacific anticyclone (cyclone) (NWPA) in the lower troposphere in the models. Comparison between the models and observations shows that the ability to simulate the PNA and NWPA pattern depends on the ability to simulate the anomalous rainfall over the CP, while the ability to simulate the IWPEA pattern is related to the ability to simulate the rainfall anomaly in the IWP and WIO, as the SST anomaly is same in AMIP experiments. It is found that the tropical rainfall anomaly is important in modeling the impact of the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean on the extratropical atmospheric circulation anomaly.

摘要: Experimental outputs of 11 Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) models from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) are analyzed to assess the atmospheric circulation anomaly over Northern Hemisphere induced by the anomalous rainfall over tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean during boreal winter. The analysis shows that the main features of the interannual variation of tropical rainfall anomalies, especially over the Central Pacific (CP) (5?S-5?N, 175?E-135?W) and Indo-western Pacific (IWP) (20?S-20?N, 110?-150?E) are well captured in all the CMIP5/AMIP models. For the IWP and western Indian Ocean (WIO) (10?S-10?N, 45?-75?E), the anomalous rainfall is weaker in the 11 CMIP5/AMIP models than in the observation. During El Ni?o/La Ni?a mature phases in boreal winter, consistent with observations, there are geopotential height anomalies known as the Pacific North American (PNA) pattern and Indo-western Pacific and East Asia (IWPEA) pattern in the upper troposphere, and the northwestern Pacific anticyclone (cyclone) (NWPA) in the lower troposphere in the models. Comparison between the models and observations shows that the ability to simulate the PNA and NWPA pattern depends on the ability to simulate the anomalous rainfall over the CP, while the ability to simulate the IWPEA pattern is related to the ability to simulate the rainfall anomaly in the IWP and WIO, as the SST anomaly is same in AMIP experiments. It is found that the tropical rainfall anomaly is important in modeling the impact of the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean on the extratropical atmospheric circulation anomaly.




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