

Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Precipitation Related to the Northeast Cold Vortex in the Warm Season in Jilin Province during 1981–2019

  • 摘要: 利用1981~2019年吉林省气象局信息中心提供的吉林省51个测站逐时降水数据,系统分析了暖季吉林省冷涡降水的时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)吉林省降水量日变化和频次的峰值均发生在下午16~18时(北京时);0.1~5 mm/h降水频次大值区主要集中在吉林省东部山区,而5~10 mm/h和>10 mm/h降水频次大值区则在吉林省中南部地区。(2)0.1~5 mm/h降水占冷涡降水总量百分比(简称:降水贡献)的空间分布特征中,白天降水贡献的空间分布比较一致,夜间大值区在吉林省东部山区;5~10 mm/h降水贡献大值区集中在吉林省中部地区,且白天贡献大于夜间;>10 mm/h降水贡献大值区位于吉林省中西部地区,白天贡献也大于夜间。(3)0.1~5 mm/h降水占暖季冷涡降水总量的60%,5~10 mm/h和>10 mm/h均在20%左右;0.1~5 mm/h降水贡献随时间变化减弱趋势明显,而>10 mm/h降水贡献增加趋势明显,且这两种量级降水年际变化呈反位相特征。


    Abstract: Based on quality control of the hourly rain gauge dataset in 39 years (1981–2019) from 51 meteorological stations provided by the Meteorological Information Center of Jilin Province, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of precipitation during the northeast cold vortex process in the warm season were analyzed. Results showed that: (1) Overall, precipitation in Jilin Province exhibited a clear diurnal variation. The peaks of diurnal precipitation and frequency occurred during 1600–1800 BJT (Beijing time). Frequency of 0.1–5 mm h−1 precipitation (P<5 mm h−1) exhibited a large value in the mountainous area in eastern Jilin Province. However, the high-value center moved to the south–central part of Jilin Province, whereas the precipitation was larger than 5 mm h−1 (P>5 mm h−1). (2) Only a slight difference in the spatial distribution of the contribution of P<5 mm h−1 to warm-season precipitation in Jilin Province during the daytime was observed. However, the value center was detected more clearly in the mountainous area in eastern Jilin Province at night. The contribution of the gauge record between 5 mm h−1 and 10 mm h−1 (5 mm h−1P<10 mm h−1) was greater in central Jilin Province. Moreover, the contribution was greater during the daytime than at night. By contrast, for P>10 mm h−1, the high-value center moved to the mid-west of Jilin Province. Similarly, the contribution was greater during the daytime than at night. (3) The rainfall amount of P<5 mm h−1 accounted for 61% of total precipitation, and the rainfall amounts of 5 mm h−1P<10 mm h−1 and P>10 mm h−1 accounted for about 20% of total precipitation. The contribution of P<5 mm h−1 exhibited a decreasing trend in recent years. By contrast, the contribution of P>10 mm h−1 exhibited an increasing trend.


