The Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Ozone during Stratospheric Sudden Warming
Graphical Abstract
The variation of vertical distribution for ozone during the stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) is analyzed by using ECMWF data. The results reveal that the ozone mixing ratio increases during SSW and its maximum is mostly formed in the middle days of SSW. In the meantime, the high-value areas of ozone mixing ratio changes with height during SSW. So according to this, the variation of ozone mixing ratio with height during SSW is divided into two kinds: (1) Downward propagation: the high-value areas of ozone mixing ratio vertically propagate downward in the earlier days of SSW. In the course of the downward propagation of ozone mixing ratio, the maximum of ozone mixing ratio is formed in the middle days of SSW, and then moves upward.(2) Increasing thickness: the thickness of ozone high-value areas increases during SSW and ozone mixing ratio also increases nearby, and the high-value areas of ozone mixing ratio do not vary with height in the earlier days of SSW, however, after SSW begins, the high-value areas of ozone mixing ratio move upward. The two types of ozone variations with height during SSW are caused by the dynamics of the residual meridional circulation transport on ozone during SSW. Downward propagation of ozone is triggered by the transport effects of the residual meridional circulation in the earlier days of SSW. In the earlier days of SSW, the strong northward motion of the residual meridional circulation from mid-latitudes to the polar region synchronously occurs with the sharp downward motion in the polar region, which makes ozone transported from mid-latitudes propagate downward. Consequently, downward propagation of ozone high-value areas occurs. Increasing thickness of ozone is triggered by the transport effects of the residual meridional circulation in the middle days of SSW. In the middle days of SSW, the northward motion of the residual meridional circulation from mid-latitudes to the polar region synchronously occurs with the upward and downward motions at 5 hPa. Therefore the upward flow causes the upward transportation of ozone from mid-latitudes and the downward flow triggers the downward transportation of ozone, thus the thickness of ozone high-value areas increases during SSW. The ozone mixing ratio at mid-latitudes is analyzed during SSW and the results indicate that the ozone mixing ratio decreases at mid-latitudes during SSW.