Development and Verification of a Bulk Urbanized Land Surface Model
Graphical Abstract
According to the limitations of the urban canopy model (UCM), this paper puts forward the concept of the bulk urbanized land surface model (BULSM), which is developed directly on the basis of an up-do-date land surface model known as the common land model (CoLM). The high-resolution land surface classification data retrieved by thematic mapper (TM) imagery is used in the model. The land surface energy and water balance models are improved to reflect the characteristics of the urban land surface. The albedo, urban land surface roughness height, urban atmospheric profile, urban anthropogenic heat, impervious surface evaporation, and urban surface water depth are also reparameterized in the model. All of the characteristics of the natural land surface of CoLM are preserved in BULSM, and the simulation and prediction ability in urban or unnatural land surfaces are strengthened. Regional validation results and the comparison with CoLM indicate that the simulation results of BULSM can indicate the refinement distribution of the land surface parameters in urban Beijing and reflect the impact of land cover classification. The single point validation results and the comparison with CoLM and Urbanized High-Resolution Land Data Assimilation System (u-HRLDAS) indicate that the simulation result of land surface temperature is greatly improved over that with CoLM. In most of the stations, the results also show improvement compared with u-HRLDAS on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model/Urban Canopy Model (WRF/UCM).